I agree with you, why even release if it is going to be the first of the year when some devices should start seeing ICS? Unless they are modifying this OTA and incorporating the necessary mods to make smooth transition for ICS!
A person can dream right?
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I think the Bionic was designed for ICS and 4G in mind. I think when they released it, they took a "Let's see what we have going on now" approach. Now with ICS imminent, I'll give credit for the time moto is taking to (I assume) make sure that the update will work properly with ICS. As we are noticing from people who have patched to 893, they are receiving updates, so it shows that work is being done. I for one, don't want a patch that's not complete or rushed. Perhaps they are waiting for ICS to be released so they can test their patch with ICS's final version. For the time being, I can deal with the issues until the patch, and have faith that it will make Bionic owners happy that they hung in there.