I love my Droid, except...
..for the fact that the stock camera app stinks, so I had to replace that.
.. or that the WIFI won't stay connected and I have to reboot my phone several times a day to re-establish a wifi or 3G/4G connection.
.. or that apps, even stock apps, crash constantly with a force close error.
.. or besides that fact that the stock txt messenging app blows.
.. or that the battery life, even with juice defender installed, rarely lasts more than 6 hours.
.. or the fact that I can view even less online videos on the bionic than I could on my iphone (which was one of the big reasons I jumped to android in the first place)
But other than that, I love my Bionic.
Seriously though, FIX THE WIFI/CONNECTIVITY ISSUES. This, more than anything else with this phone, is aggravating as hell. I NEVER had a problem switching between wifi and 3g on my previous phone, but this one seems to either not want to connect to a wifi hotspot at all (wifi stays grayed out the entire time, even though the phone HAS an IP and I can ping it from the router or the network), or seems to waffle between 3G/4G without ever connecting to either one. This phone is my critical day-to-day communications device as I make rounds between several datacenters, and I use it to monitor my network, server performance, and other critical factors and not being able to connect and review information is a HUGE detriment to my daily workflow.