For those who haven't been following this, I'm going to attempt to paraphrase what I've come across.
Reading the information that was posted, the method to get these keys is similar to what was achieved with the PS3. In most encryption schemes there is a public key and a private key. Sony and Motorola did not populate the nonce values which made it trivial to calculate the private key.
The plan of attack will be: replace stock recovery with a signed version (using the signing keys) of a recovery like clockwork via a pushed SBF. Once that is in place, I am guessing that you would then be able to load roms and replace kernels via the signed clockwork.
In the case of the PS3, Sony has been scrambling but they are unable to close the door on this. They have not succeeded. I believe they are trying to add another layer of security on top of the existing compromised key.
In the case of Moto's phones, I have to believe we are in a better position because once we are rooted, we can no longer get OTA so it will be nearly impossible for them to address this. And since the Droid X is basically EOL, why would they continue to put resources against this. They already changed the lock down on the newer phones like the Atrix so it might be better for them to just walk away from this and try to save some face.
I just wanted to add that I am not a developer, I know a bit from reading and studying. I know just enough to be very dangerous so I will let the great development community out there run with this. I know they are already on top of this and I am really excited to see what we will be seeing in the upcoming weeks.