Well, it's about that time again for me to take a break from coding to provide another massive post for your reading pleasure!
I hope i cover most of the recent questions people have been having.
P3's Kernel (size):
As many of you have noticed, the p3 kernel update is... well... HUGE. 15mb is a very large size for a kernel update. The actual kernel itself is still the standard 2.1mb, but this update provides a TON of new kernel modules that i have requested p3 to include (xfs, ext2/3/4, cifs, nfs, etc). These are the reason for the large size of the kernel update. In the future some of these modules will be used to implement new and exciting features. Currently they do not add any functionality nor do they reduce stability, as they will not be loaded by sapphire at any time.
P3's Kernel (features/sapphire-specifics):
Some have asked how this kernel increases stability, as well as what makes it sapphire-specific. Essentially, P3 has been gracious enough to agree to donate his time and effort to maintain a line of kernels that are tested to work against Sapphire (a.k.a., he is running sapphire when he tests them). The kernel provided was tested by him with sapphire 0.6.2, and in that respect is built to work with this rom specifically. This promotes more stability and in general gives everyone a better experience! He will also be modifying/adding features per request to ensure that we can have the best features we can provide! I look forward to working with him
P3's Kernels (Speed):
I know some have asked if a 7x1200LV kernel will be made available, and rest assured it will. P3 is currently working on some more tweaks to the kernel to make it even better. Once he deems it ready, he will provide me with the rest of the releases
Black on Black Notifications:
The text-color switching functionality is something that has to be implemented on a per-item basis for many things. It seems that I forgot to implement it in the Music app. I will look into it.
I have yet to experience any problems installing Maps, so I am not certain what to tell you :S I would recommend opening a bug on the bug tracker (
Bugzilla Main Page), and try to include a logcat from when you are trying to install the app.
I hope that resolves some of the questions that I've seen.

I want to remind people that if they have a tough problem that they can't seem to get answered and want to be sure that I'll take a look at it, that's what the bug tracker exists for! ^.^