Cold Sore Relief


Mar 2, 2010
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Kilgore, TX
My 2 year old daughter has a pretty bad cold sore outbreak on her face. We've went to the doc and they've given us some medicine, but it stings her really bad whenever we put it on. She keeps picking at them, so we've put band-aids over what we can, but she's just miserable and it's making me miserable :frown: She woke up screaming last night and had picked one so bad that blood was every where. Not a good situation.

I've looked online for home remedies and found some but wanted to ask if anybody has any secret formula's to make it less painful for her. Anybody that has children can relate to the feeling of helplessness I'm having right now...
Corn Starch works well for those that are curious. And I know the facial herp isn't a hot topic but come on...:)
carmex lip balm works also. thats what i use for my lip cold sore :D not sure about the other part of the face but i guess its safe around the lips then it should be safe on the face. plus u can find them at any gas station for like 3 bucks.
carmex lip balm works also. thats what i use for my lip cold sore :D not sure about the other part of the face but i guess its safe around the lips then it should be safe on the face. plus u can find them at any gas station for like 3 bucks.

Thanks man, I'll give it a go. Luckily I think the sores are on their last leg!
I think my wife uses Ziactin. It's available in stores, works good but it is a bit expensive. She gets some real bad ones from time to time.
I think my wife uses Ziactin. It's available in stores, works good but it is a bit expensive. She gets some real bad ones from time to time.

I think my wife may have picked some of that up. It works, but I think the problem with it (if it's the same product you're talking about) is it's 60 percent alcohol. We put it on her sores and she FLIPPED now she fights us when we put anything on her face. We still are using it, and it is for sure helping, but like I said we may be using a different product then Ziactin.

I'll check and make sure and thanks for the suggestion!