is it still the 'mini me' version or has the size been tweaked like other GB keyboards to make it a little easier to use?
Well, I agree with you on that- I hate Swype and the stock Multi-touch keyboard...but I love the Gingerbread Keyboard...It is what I have used for awhile and have liked it, it gets better with use but Im not married to it. I don't like swype and am no fan of the stock board either. Any suggestions?
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Well, you didn't really specify exactly what was going on with SwiftKey, other than that it wasn't working...were you using the free trial? Perhaps your free period expired?
At this time, the only suggestion I have is: check out the Gingerbread Kryboard...I posted a screenshot on page 1 Post 3... I can give you the link if you are interested...
**edit** you can find it here:
Themed Gingerbread Keyboards
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