Me, I don’t concern myself with isn't entirely accurate to your device's can be affected by other things about the rom...and besides, that's numbers. This rom runs super smooth, super fast...I don’t overclock it and I've never run a quadrant or a benchmark on it...
Anyway, if I helped.ya out- i'm glad.

i'm always happy to help when I can.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
To each his own I suppose. As long as we agree that this ROM kicks ass
So, now that I've successfully rooted my Droid X, and downloaded this awesome ROM, what else is there to do? What are the "must have" apps for a rooted phone? I have:
Droid OvwerClock
Droid X Bootstrpper
Quick Boot
Titanium Backup
What else is there to explore?
a few apps I recommend:
-Wireless Tether for Root Users (free)(very useful, easy to use)
-Root Explorer ($1 or $2)(very useful file manager, easy to use)
-Team Black Hat App ($2)(get your sbf's and support the team who works very hard to provide us with a lifeline for when we brick)
-Reboot Control Widget ($0.99)(very handy widget-screenshot in post #3)
-Handcent SMS (free)(10X better than any other SMS, especially stock)
-BatteryLife (free)(very cool widget, helps me keep track of battery %, health, and temp--see screenshot post #2)
-LauncherPro (free, $1.99 to upgrade to Plus)(lots of options, constant improvements, Plus has very cool LP widgets, widget resizing, etc.)
-Tapatalk Pro ($2 or so, well worth it, easily access all your forums from 1 app)
-Beautiful Widgets ($2 or so, very worth it)(assortment of widgets, very nice, lots of options)
-xScope Web Browser ($3 or so, again, very worth it-awesome browser!)
-RealCalc Scientific Calculator (free, much better than stock calculator, which I removed, haha!)
well, that's not everything I have, but you asked for recommendations, and these are a few apps I hate to be without. (of course, you already listed a few which I can't live without, so I didn't list them, haha!)