Switched over from Rubix, everything seemed amazing at first. come across 2 problems, did i do something wrong or are they problems with the rom. Followed all directions, Did 4.1 then 4.2 Update.
1. Camcorder app doesn't record, boots up but closes w/o message shortly after pressing the record button. I thought this could be because i used blurless version of the rom.
2. I can't connect to Pandora to retrieve music. i use this daily, i searched just about this entire thread looking for mention of either of these problems with no luck. Can someone please test out Pandora to see if its my install or the Rom that is causing the problem.
Besides these 2 problems every single thing else with the Rom is perfect? sucks that both of those things i would like to keep for functionality.
What Rubix did you come from? They are not problems with the rom- but I believe I know where the problem came from, and how to fix it.
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