New Member
Adison here.Have gre8 time......Njoy....:icon_ banana:
Adison here.Have gre8 time......Njoy....:icon_ banana:
Just wanted to say hi! Got my droid exactly a week ago and it has been a love hate relationship.
I am wholly unimpressed with the usability of this phone. The physical keypad sucks a big one. The lack of home screens with only 3 is crappy. The lack of physical send and end keys bugs me horribly. And the inability to change most features is disappointing to say the least. :icon_cussing:
This all being said, I have researched all of the current and future phones for Verizon (including the nexus one) and this phone is the best out there. :rating08:
So now I just need to learn how to root. Here we go… :icon_ banana:
Hello! I am a recovering Blackberry Storm & Storm 2 owner. I loved the idea of a touchscreen smartphone. i went through 3 Storms in 1 year, the upgraded to the Storm 2 thinking all the bugs were worked out only to have to have it replaced after 1 week.
I'll have to admit, I was nervous switching to the Droid at first. I thought I'd miss BB. I've had the Droid for 3 weeks and love love LOVE it!
Now that I believe I have everything figured out that I need...the not-so-simple stuff to figure out; rooting, speed dialing, back-ups, etc. (all of which I learned on this forum) I believe this is the best phone I've ever had!
I am a much lower life form than everyone else, as this is my first smartphone. So far, I really like it, but have not even begun to figure out all the bells and whistles and the things it can do. I joined the forum so I can learn where I can go with this.
Hi! This is my first smart phone as well! A lot to learn so I am glad I found this site. It has already helped out with ring tones!