Ok, I've updated the OP again and uploaded a new version of the script. There are some significant changes to take care of the troubleshooting issues we've found. First, the script now requires moto-fastboot.exe to be in the 902 FXZ directory. Not just in the path. And the script checks for it....if not found, it will error out of the script. adb.exe is also good to have in the 902 FXZ dir, but, is not required. If it's not found, you will be shown manual instructions on how to reboot into fastboot. Otherwise we use adb.exe to do it for you. I like automation.
After the moto-fastboot commands I pause to give you a chance to see any errors that may have happened so you can report them. I cleaned up the text for the manual steps a bit. This should make things smoother. As always please report issues as you find them. Thanks all!