well im mad as hell that i got the DI when it launched then a better phone is announced after the 30day mark lol.
the market can only push peoples pockets so far before it just becomes silly to keep getting the best phone out there.
i for one love getting the newest phone that is out, but now with the X coming out, the droid 2 coming soon after, and me stuck with the DI, i now find myself 'stuck' so to speak with something i wouldnt of picked if i had the choice at the time.
I mean the DI is a badass phone but if it was sold at the same time against the X i would of picked the X just based off the screen size alone lol... i would of at least had an opportunity to try both of them out at the store before deciding.
i agree with the previous poster , if they keep pushing phones out this fast
i will stop buying them altogether because i will just say 'meh i better one will be out in 3-4months'
the market can only push peoples pockets so far before it just becomes silly to keep getting the best phone out there.
i for one love getting the newest phone that is out, but now with the X coming out, the droid 2 coming soon after, and me stuck with the DI, i now find myself 'stuck' so to speak with something i wouldnt of picked if i had the choice at the time.
I mean the DI is a badass phone but if it was sold at the same time against the X i would of picked the X just based off the screen size alone lol... i would of at least had an opportunity to try both of them out at the store before deciding.
i agree with the previous poster , if they keep pushing phones out this fast
i will stop buying them altogether because i will just say 'meh i better one will be out in 3-4months'