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Droid Incredible being discontinued?

well im mad as hell that i got the DI when it launched then a better phone is announced after the 30day mark lol.

the market can only push peoples pockets so far before it just becomes silly to keep getting the best phone out there.

i for one love getting the newest phone that is out, but now with the X coming out, the droid 2 coming soon after, and me stuck with the DI, i now find myself 'stuck' so to speak with something i wouldnt of picked if i had the choice at the time.

I mean the DI is a badass phone but if it was sold at the same time against the X i would of picked the X just based off the screen size alone lol... i would of at least had an opportunity to try both of them out at the store before deciding.

i agree with the previous poster , if they keep pushing phones out this fast
i will stop buying them altogether because i will just say 'meh i better one will be out in 3-4months'
See, the smartphone market doesnt revolve around 1-2 ppl. Technology doesnt pause just cuz u got a new phone last month....

Some ppl are getting their very first smartphone in a few months. Some ppl have upgrades coming up soon. Some ppl have contracts ending soon. Some ppl are early adopters. Some ppl have money to burn.

THOSE ppl are in a very good position. But for some of us, these next few months will be torture. Oh well.

If u got the phone you wanted, then just be happy..... or make arrangements to get the phone u want.....If u cant get the phone u want, be happy with what u got. U got it for a reason, just remember what those reasons were.

Now, after ppl get the Droid 2 or the Droid X, and when the monster phones come at the end of the year, or when the LTE phones come out, most of us will be sitting pretty with upgrades to use or contracts ending while those that got the Droid 2 and X will be saying the same thing some of yall are saying. Its a never ending cycle......

I got the Droid. Do u think I was upset when the Inc came out? Do u think I'm upset about the Droid 2? Not hardly. Cuz I got my Droid for a reason, and its been a great phone for me.

The only thing I will say, and I said this a few times: it is kind of messed up these 2 phones werent on all the Android forums radar more, or more visible. But, the info for these phones was out there, u just had to look...There was a Shadow thread in these very forums right at the time the Inc came out. It wasnt any concrete info....but it was info. Turns out it was legit....
Re: Not upgrading...
It's just the nature of the beast, there is always something better on the horizon. When the Moto Pro comes out, you better believe something better will be released in a few months. You can't wait for an ultimate device or you would still be holding a moto razer.
I wait for significant advances or features over what I have before upgrading. My wife actually bought me a dinc, but I'm selling it because I don't view it as a huge improvement over my droid. I want a bigger screen.

I don't see how Apple's slower development cycle is a positive. If there was a newer better droid every month it doesn't mean you have to replace your phone every month, but it does mean you can if you are so inclined.
The rapid development cycle of android I think is awesome. Manufacturers are not only trying to beat the iphone but they also have to beat each other. Android development should eventually eclipse everything else.

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I hear you if you need the newest get the newest. I am going to be very happy with the D Inc for many many months.

Again I could care less the thing rocks.
Yes there will be new phones, the only real issue is not getting support/updates to stay current. I don't care that every month something new arrives, cool. I just don't want VZW or HTC to stop supporting the phone. Not saying its going to happen tomorrow but I am tired of having a VZW device that gets shelved and left in the dust. That's my point re: iPhone. Not that its a better device but it will continue to get support/updates down the road. This doesn't impact me at the moment because I love my phone, just the principle of the whole thing. I pay a lot of money for monthly service and for a high end device and would like to be taken care of.
I think the really odd thing is it looks like they are dumping all RIM and HTC smartphones. Is it just Motorola,LG, and Samsung left for VZW?

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So I went to my verizion store yesterday to start a new contract and I order the Droid Incredible. The lady told me that I shoould get it in 3 weeks. You guys think I can just return to get the Droid X ?
The development of the LTE NETWORK has a lot to with what phones will be dropped and which will survive. Testing is starting now and scheduled to arrive at the end of 2010.
I think the really odd thing is it looks like they are dumping all RIM and HTC smartphones. Is it just Motorola,LG, and Samsung left for VZW?

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Naw, they still have other HTC smartphones I dont see them getting rid of if this is true:

The Ozone, The Imagio, The Touch Diamond, and the Touch Pro 2. They all run Win Mo except for the Inc.

Verizon Wireless Smartphones

And....the Eris is no longer on the site to buy....wow. The Droid is still there tho.....go Droid....
Consider the source! All I see is a page that anyone could have printed out and just for kicks they put it out and here we are...
Why I find this information incredible. :D

So that probably explains why they stopped showing Incredible commercials on tv. They are behind are their shipments now.

I've been watching Verizon Droid Incredible commercials all day, they're still pushing them pretty hard.
There could be contractual obligations that were not met.

Those advertising dollars just went down the drain.

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