New Member
I don't have a horse in this race, but I hate to see internet bullies go unchecked... In the real world, both the Droid and Incredible are great phones. A quick google search ("motorola droid vs htc droid incredible") reflects this. Of the reviews on the first results page, 4 say the Incredible is the winner (DigitalTrends, ZDNet, SlashGear, Engadget), one says the Droid is better for hardcore texters (Brighthand), and one says it is too close to call and they are both great phones (611Connect).
Both phones have great modding communities. More has been done on the Droid because it has been out 6 months longer. Honestly, the phones are so similar in most ways, this kind of squabbling is silly. I'm glad to see Android devices getting better, and getting more popular. The Incredible is half a year newer and will be a great choice for many people. The Droid is still very competitive despite its older hardware, and in any case, will be updated soon. More choice in the marketplace benefits everyone. Trash talking benefits no one.
Good to see the SKU issue has been cleared up. Wouldn't make much sense for Verizon to cancel a phone when they can't even keep up with the demand for it a month after launch... 4G is coming, but we are years away from any network pulling their 3G phones. So that explanation (lack of 4G) would not make much sense.
Both phones have great modding communities. More has been done on the Droid because it has been out 6 months longer. Honestly, the phones are so similar in most ways, this kind of squabbling is silly. I'm glad to see Android devices getting better, and getting more popular. The Incredible is half a year newer and will be a great choice for many people. The Droid is still very competitive despite its older hardware, and in any case, will be updated soon. More choice in the marketplace benefits everyone. Trash talking benefits no one.
Good to see the SKU issue has been cleared up. Wouldn't make much sense for Verizon to cancel a phone when they can't even keep up with the demand for it a month after launch... 4G is coming, but we are years away from any network pulling their 3G phones. So that explanation (lack of 4G) would not make much sense.
for the record, I'm 23, I go by facts, the facts are, of all the problems I've seen bringing android down as a whole, somehow, they all have something to do with the quality of HTC phones, they just seem to be weaker than the droid, higher clock speed, unless you root and overclock the moto. Motorola uses better parts and higher quality materials. I've dropped my phone plenty of times and it's not damaged. I've seen a ton of reviews / complaints about HTC, sorry you got an HTC phone and bought into their BS, they make crap phones with an even worse UI that takes twice as long to update to the newest version of android, call me 17, call me stupid, call me a fanboy, either way, I'm running 2.2 because the droid has a great modding community and noone cares about the incredible. so sorry.