94lt1 said:I think he meant the HD
rushmore said:The only apparent negative, but a big one for me is the fixed navigation bar taking up display space. Also used the Gnex enough to notice too easy pressing the buttons when playing games.
94lt1 said:There's going to be a difference between the maxx and the vanquish/HD... I mean in the UI and other areas... not just the screen. I can almost promise you that. That's yet another in the realm of possibilities... but we'll see when its dropped.
I am with you on having a phone that is thicker. My razor maxx nexus and S3 is to thin. But with the case they fit well in my hand. The thing that bothers me when it comes to this thread is people act like every Motorola devise has better specs than the S3 but yet they are waiting for a phone that is rumored to have specs that is close to the S3. If people don't care to have a HD screen or a 4.8 inch screen that's great that's the joy of having android we get to chose what type of phone that we want.
mgrande said:I'm waiting for a slightly smaller screen and car dock mostly.
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I'm waiting for a slightly smaller screen and car dock mostly.
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Well it's subjective a little. I want slightly smaller screen because the s3 is just a hair big for me. I think the nexus and one x are about as big as I would want, so 4.6ish.I like bigger screens. I hope that Verizon gets the galaxy note 2. What do you think is the perfect size screen?
Well me too, I just figured it was a given. To be honest I would throw my money at a Verizon one x with a maxx battery.Not me I just want a big battery, Motorola radios, and the s4 chip) I have my nexus for every thing else. But that is just me.
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jgmecarter said:I agree I also do not like on screen buttons they take up to much of the screen as well
I don't think I said the razr has a better screen than the S3. Higher resolution is better than lower resolution because it improves sharpness and allows you to read more, though smaller, text on the display. The S3 also has the advantage of having less space between pixels from what I hear. But there is a point at which it's of no value...once you can't read the smallest text the display can produce it's questionable if there is any real value to it. The S3 has a large screen at 4.8". It makes a lot more sense having a 720p display on there than it does on a 4.3" display like the Rezound. Half an inch makes a huge difference on a phone display. The downside to a 720p display compared to a lower resolution display is a it will take more power and a faster GPU for the same performance. The Snapdragon S4 can definitely handle a 720p display.I am not trying to bash Motorola I have always liked Motorola but people on this thread are funny they keep saying that HD screen does not matter and that the screen on their razor is just as good and in some ways they act like their screen is better.
It should be pretty hard to argue that the S3 has a better display than the One X. The screen on the One X is awesome, non-pentile, Super LCD 2. OLED is fine but they eat batteries (unless you stick with black and dark everything). Using a pentile display for both the Razr and the GS3 should have helped battery life. The OLED display's will have a much better contrast ratio than the SLCD2 but compare the two and you'll probably say, "who cares?".Yeah, I tripled checked cause I was shocked at how unimpressive the screen was. There was a video review that showed the one x next to the s3 and it was really obvious there too.
Compare your display to a qHD or an HD one. Open a web page like CNN, NBCNews, or something like that and make sure you're displaying the full desktop browser version. You'll notice you can see and read a lot more text on the screen at a time.I would say that the whole high definition thing is unnecessary. The screen on my x is just fine, I don't zoom in all the way on pictures or text just to stare at how sharp the are.
Yes, and yes for me...plus the MicroHDMI. It's just so convienent for me since I have three other devices that use MicroHDMI. It will be even better with the RazrHD, well, like the Razr and RazrMaxx now since they use the tablet interface on a TV!!! It will be a huge upgrade from the limited, yet still useful, hdmi functionality on my Dx.Actually I think the 2 big things people are choosing the razr for is the rumored razr maxx like battery and motorolas radios.