Droid Razr Maxx HD waiting lounge.

Loved the Rezound probably had great radios. Just didn't get much dev support and sense really weighed the os down. Htc makes a nexus im all in.

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If they really delay this phone even farther to the end of the year..will it be worth it? I'm all about batter life..an extra hundred dollars tho it seems for the jump tho. Then i'm just afraid of something better coming so soon since its close to new years. Nobody seems to be investing in battery technology like Moto tho which is what attracts me. Texting is such a battery drainer because of screen on time for my Rezound.Rumor: RAZR HD and MAXX HD Delayed Because of Antenna Issues? – Droid Life
That may have sealed the deal to go note 2. Too late in the game to fix hardware plus last phone with rumors of hardware problem actually had them.

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If they really delay this phone even farther to the end of the year..will it be worth it? I'm all about batter life..an extra hundred dollars tho it seems for the jump tho. Then i'm just afraid of something better coming so soon since its close to new years. Nobody seems to be investing in battery technology like Moto tho which is what attracts me. Texting is such a battery drainer because of screen on time for my Rezound.Rumor: RAZR HD and MAXX HD Delayed Because of Antenna Issues? – Droid Life

If the note 2 hits first and it has strong radios im gone. I love motorolas radios and batteries but im not paying 700 dollars for obsolete technology.

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Not quite obsolete but Motorola is not doing themselves any favors. The longer they delay the more the specs will seem outdated compared to the other phones to be released. Add to that the locked bootloader and root checker and it is going to be even harder for Android enthusiasts to cough up $300 for that phone. $199 for the maxx hd at this point in the game may be their best bet.

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Wow... moto is shooting themselves in the foot a lot lately. It could be do to the switch over, but idk. They better get their heads in the game.
Antenna issues delaying the Motorola DROID RAZR HD and RAZR MAXX HD?

wow black friday.... yeah if they wait that late then it could be over. Especially with a $299 price point. Wow.... yeah they better just scrap the developer edition and make an unlockable bootloader. That is the only way they will be able to sell I think. Why pay more for the hd when you can get the og maxx for cheaper or newer tech.
To add imagine if you bought a dev phone unlock it and they wont honor the antenna issues because you rooted :angry:.
Maybe the delay will give them time to throw 2gb of ram and JB in it.

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Maybe the delay will give them time to throw 2gb of ram and JB in it.

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:haha: you would think they would just scrap it and put out a better phone to compete especially since it is being delayed. But I doubt that will be the case sadly:angry:.
Probably too invested in it.. especially after doing a big reveal...
Probably too invested in it.. especially after doing a big reveal...

Exactly, plus the last time that happened (last year bionic) it literally backed things up and looked bad on motorola for back to back releases.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Exactly, plus the last time that happened (last year bionic) it literally backed things up and looked bad on motorola for back to back releases.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I keep thinking bionic#2... not good.
Well the good thing is the razr came after the bionic since it was under the radar so wasn't rushed. I am going out on a limb we see a droid 5 and droid x3 afterwards. Google will be able to right the ship. Both will have a way to unlock the bootloader with out buying a developer phone. Also they will go back to the removable battery. The dx3 will be a dual core intel chip and d5 will be the snapdragon quad core. D5 will have 1.5 gigs of ram while dx3 will come with 2gigs. D5 will have a 2800 battery vs 3000 on dx3. D5 will have 4.3 inch vs 4.7 on dx3.

What are the chances i am even in the ball park lol.

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