All I can say to all the Razr haters is "wah". If y'all "supposedly" did research before buying it you would've known the battery life isn't up to par and that the only phone out there right the GNex. I don't understand why people are crying and whining over battery life when its been a known issue which is why the Maxx came out months later. And also everyone including my dead grandmother knew ICS is stock on the GNex and that it'll come to other devices later.
I'm more than happy with my Razr and wouldn't trade it for anything right now. In fact my daughters getting the Razr slider, aka the Droid 4 tomorrow
Sent from the Sith powered and rooted Motor DROID RAZR
I'm more than happy with my Razr and wouldn't trade it for anything right now. In fact my daughters getting the Razr slider, aka the Droid 4 tomorrow

Sent from the Sith powered and rooted Motor DROID RAZR