I hope we get this on Friday. But even more than that I really hope Motorola and even Google contiue to support this phone. IPhone is much more slick IMO but it has been out for years. I look forward to the day when I can show off my droid without lags, forced closes, camera taking crappy pictures five seconds after I push the button, and apps just straight up not working. I know that's part of being a Droid owner right now. I think it's unexcuseable but that is for another thread. With these updates I hope that this phone will continue to get better. Because I am not the kind that can run out and get the newest phone every time one comes out. I'll have this Droid until Jan 2012.
Why would they not support this phone? If they stopped many people who own this phone would probably never purchase another Moto cell phone or Google phone for fear of the same thing happening.