Tried it, but it didn't seem to change anything. Question why did you make 1, 300000 and change the temp didn't you make it go slower taking out the 5? As well as all the others you changed the voltage and put some lower cpu speeds.. Not really knowledged at this so help lol explain why you did what you did, and if someone else would share their setup for their droid x as well.
For my lowest slot, I wanted the lowest frequency possible because that's what the system will use when idle. Low frequency handles lower VSEL which means longer batt life. The minimum I could take my X was 300, and the lowest stable VSEL I got on mine was 24. I never find that I needed to go faster than 1.2 GHz (even 900 is still pretty dang fast enough) and so I just filled in regular intervals between them at 600 and 900.
I don't think the appropriate voltages increase in a linear fashion with the frequencies, in truth. The "normal" VSEL for each frequency is listed in the help/about section. Still, I just filled them in as though they would, which is still below the ULV presets.
I'm on RubiX 1.9.5; its stock settings were 300-500-700-1 GHz with low VSELs. Using the governor function and profiles, the CPU only runs as fast as it needs; therefore it's beneficial to have your lowest slot as low as possible imo.
I am not an overclocking guru, just a user like yourself who wants a faster and longer-lasting Droid X. I'm very content with the way my settings work for me, but there may be more optimal ones for me and for you. Like I said, trial and error, start normal and gradually decrease, make a backup, and don't set on boot...doing so is a pretty big risk for boot-loops, and it's not that much of a chore to click it on each time you restart.
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