I'm running this on my Droid X, and I'm not having problems with hanging or freezing etc. However, the APP itself is misbehaving, in that with tremendous frequency it is taking over half the CPU of the phone. Whatever benefit comes of overclocking will undoubtedly be lost if the overclocking app hogs the CPU. What could cause this--it's the only app I now have that does this? Also, my battery life is now poor, whereas when I first used the app it was pretty good. I'm running at a max of 1200, but at lower voltage than even the lowest preset. Also, the app seems to re-start whenever the device wakes up--I gather this because it announces it's "super user" status upon device wakeup. If that's the case, then I am not benefiting from the app like I should be, because it is set to use very low voltage when the CPU demand is low, such as when the screen is off.
did you set the volatages yourself? that is probably the issue, not giving it enough "juice" for it to be able to do its job. The su announcement is just that its changing from 1 profile to another, you can disable that in su settings.