To all the people saying things like "the world will keep spinning without BD here, and Life goes ion...
Umm we realize that. We weren't the ones who made a big ****ing deal over a thank you. Those were the Cynaglobin fan boys who infiltrated this site and started a flame war. They are the ones who acted like the world was ending.
Life will go on, needless to say Alldroid is still standing, DF was around long before Alldroid. I do love the fact that everyone has chosen to be angry at Cyanogen, not the guy who hasn't been around for 2 days, dodging this subject, and hoping this would all blow over. And don't give me that "His internet was down" line, dude's got a droid, can't tether? That was his admission of guilt, all he needed to do was say "Sorry guys, that post came off wrong, I will give credit where it's due" or something of that nature. Not "Two parts were someone elses, rest was all mine" which is what he basically said.
Let me put it like this, ever been drunk? I mean really drunk? And then you pissed someone off and it pissed off someone you were with? Then they made you go say your sorry, but your pissed and drunk, so you say your sorry in a way the shows you REALLY DON'T MEAN IT?
That's what todays post was and it all could have been addressed in 3 sentences, blown over, and all would have been resolved.
Put your frustration where it goes, saying "I am taking my ball and going home" doesn't do much of anything, this community was strong before blackdroid and other devs really hung out here and it will continue to be strong.