I may stop in from time to time to see what kind of drama is unfolding just for some entertainment!
you will be missed droidnut as will all the others that have gone before you.I may stop in from time to time to see what kind of drama is unfolding just for some entertainment!
I too, sadly will be leaving the forum. Thanks all.
you will be missed droidnut as will all the others that have gone before you.I may stop in from time to time to see what kind of drama is unfolding just for some entertainment!
Hopefully everyone finds what they are looking for either here or wherever else they may go.
I really wish everyone the best and certainly understand EVERYONES feelings. Anger, Happy, Don't care, have no clue (lol), whatever it may be I respect it.
In the end you ALL have been great through this whole ordeal.
I can't hold it against anyone for the decisions they have made and are going to make but I can say that we mods/admins REALLY appreciate everybody here and really want is best for everyone. If that means moving on so be it.
There are certainly other great places on the net.
So for those that stay I'm very happy and for those that go I hope to see you again one day soon here. If not, I wish you the best.
Thanks everyone.
Thats awesome droidnut : )Thank You very very much for your comment! And I just want you to know that just because I'm joining Blackdroid's forum doesn't mean I am leaving Droidfoums for good. Aside from the BS that took place I hold no grudges towards anyone in here. Tempers flared and things were done and said but it's no reason (for me) to hold ill feelings towards this place! I like it here and have learned a ton in here and I'm not gonna abandon you guys over some petty BS!
well looks like i will be joining blackdroids forum............. peace out guys it was fun
well looks like i will be joining blackdroids forum............. peace out guys it was fun
I will join also, but why limit your resources. Why not join every forum you can? Multitask
I first must let all the admins and mods here know that without this forum i would still have a stock 2.1 phone. I would not have learned ANY of what i know now. What i have learned here is unimaginable. Alot of things i never even thought i could do but with the encouragement of all the members here i have succeeded in every task. Been scared a few time afraid i would "brick" my phone. Done a install wrong and had a mad bootloop which scared me to death. Now i know that as long as i can see the "M" i'm good. Rooting, unrooting, accepting the OTA 2.1, hating it and having to use RSD lite to go back to 2.0.1 and back to the custom roms. WOW thats alot. There are only few of us (people of the forum here, in comparison of droid sales) that would even attempt installation of custom roms.
Hookbill you have been a friend from the start, Vulcan1600 (Scott) what a pal. Cereal Killer (i love your avatar) Miami1683, sam, dan and all the other mods and admins i have missed----Thanks for everything you have done. It's time that everyone here at the forums gets the applause they deserve---i haven't always agreed on some of the situations but also its not me that runs this place. The forums here are friendly (mostly) and are in a word "GREAT". (i have posted a few negative comments on this forum out of frustration and i am indeed sorry to everyone that took offense)
I have also joined blackdroids forums but will never leave here. I will be here daily and refer this forum to everyone i know with a android device. How can i not? This is the most informative android forum with the best set up i know!!!
Basically, what i am saying is a BIG THANK YOU DROIDFORUMS.NET