the shame is...BD was so helpful...and Koush has never replied to me once.
hate to see it end like this...but what is right is right.
Koush was busy actually working on the code. Could be one reason
the shame is...BD was so helpful...and Koush has never replied to me once.
hate to see it end like this...but what is right is right.
this is honestly the most childish behavior I have seen (read) in my life among "grown-ups". You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Atleast my decision to root or not is now an easy one, not that any of you care because you clearly are better than me because you can pimp your droid.
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"Yea lets close this thread so everyone can cry censorship!" But in the real world you cant go into the white house and accuse the president of stealing billions.... just doesnt happen! it is required for the greater good!
On another note, all this happened becasue of money... (Greed)... you can call it geek gonna call greed cred. because if BD stood with rom manager, instead of trying to make one himself....koush would have never said a word. Why you ask? Because lets face it BD had many followers and many people bought ROM manager becasue of UD...(i know i did) and if he left ROM mananger so would everyone who follows BD.... You can hide behind the righteous claim of just wanting credit where credit is due, but at the end if you UD was an active participant (yes we know you an still get UD from RM) in RM none of this would have occured.
Also in no way i am defending either side....just my opinion!
Greed destroys communities! Not Geek Cred! (whateva that means)
this is honestly the most childish behavior I have seen (read) in my life among "grown-ups". You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Atleast my decision to root or not is now an easy one, not that any of you care because you clearly are better than me because you can pimp your droid.
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
I wouldn't disregard the idea of rooting because of bad blood between a couple of devs, to be honest. If the idea of such things as WiFi tethering entice you; there are ways to root without running ANYONE'S custom ROM. Just root your stock ROM manually, and use a custom kernel.
Sometimes, the tools that a rooted phone provide can be invaluable, depending on your line of work.
Wow this sucks...I understand both sides just wish something could have worked out so no one had to leave....time to check out Cyanogen's (sp?) rom now.
Hypothetically speaking if one were to want one of these "stolen" roms where would they go now?