DroidForums.net & Ultimate Droid ROMs

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Oh, and Blackdroid didn't draw in all the visitors lately..... it was 2.1

2.1 threads were huge and full of excitement! It is expected that once 2.1 dies down that things will slow a little bit.

But just wait for the next update, it will bring even bigger crowds.....The Droid is hot right now and getting hotter.... they will come.
I agree completely with your assessment.
[video=youtube;MjiILPnTiq0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjiILPnTiq0]YouTube - Officially Unstoppable Verizon is NFL's #1 Pick[/video]

This is why the droid is better right now. This app fits the droid perfectly. But what draws people to this site is the admins and mods enforcing the friendly, clean, atmosphere. Over the past week I have learned that we have kids that are not even in high school coming on this forum constantly for advice.
But it is nice that the smoke is starting to clear on this.
Will everyone threatening to leave DF please exit now? thanks. 60k strong all seeking information cant be wrong, oh scratch that 50.9k

we're leaving thatll show you!

in the words of proffesor farnesworth

"we wont know that until your gone"

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

I love when people quote numbers... 50.9k doesn't matter when 75% of them signed up to ask just one question and never came back.... I look at how active the threads are... I remember when this forum used to be a busy place.... take away all the ultimate droid posters and it makes a huge dent.... he has more replies on his thread than all the other dev threads combined and then some...
I see the difference in this place now when I wake up in the morning and the threads haven't updated from the same replies that were sitting there last night...
It doesn't matter anymore... there's lots of other forums where the Admin. isn't so uptight about letting people work out their own issues..
Anyone can work out their problems as long as it does not affect the forum. When that happens we will step in.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Over the past week I have learned that we have kids that are not even in high school coming on this forum constantly for advice.

This is why I have such a problem with the people who attacked BD...posting naked women dozens of times in the UD10 thread and trollish behavior with nothing but insults just made me lose respect for their cause.

Even if every single claim is 100% accurate ...(not questioning as so many have accepted the proof...I just cant check for myself so I have to accept there is no bias)...That behavior is inexcusable and in my opinion unforgivable...people who can do that once will never change, and I don't want to be associated with communities that welcome and encourage that.

I come here to relax and learn, and if the actions of those few are approved of and or encouraged by the "android community" who came here to protect CM and Koush...then I hope this forum remains a bastion of freedom against that.

Don't get me wrong...I seriously respect what Koush and Cyanogen and all the others have done. And realized regardless of what happened here I would not be enjoying my phone as much without them. I also, do not hold them responsible for the actions of the idiots that so blindly support him that they feel any behavior is acceptable.

But I still have a nasty taste in my mouth after last week.
Over the past week I have learned that we have kids that are not even in high school coming on this forum constantly for advice.

This is why I have such a problem with the people who attacked BD...posting naked women dozens of times in the UD10 thread and trollish behavior with nothing but insults just made me lose respect for their cause.

Even if every single claim is 100% accurate ...(not questioning as so many have accepted the proof...I just cant check for myself so I have to accept there is no bias)...That behavior is inexcusable and in my opinion unforgivable...people who can do that once will never change, and I don't want to be associated with communities that welcome and encourage that.

I come here to relax and learn, and if the actions of those few are approved of and or encouraged by the "android community" who came here to protect CM and Koush...then I hope this forum remains a bastion of freedom against that.

Don't get me wrong...I seriously respect what Koush and Cyanogen and all the others have done. And realized regardless of what happened here I would not be enjoying my phone as much without them. I also, do not hold them responsible for the actions of the idiots that so blindly support him that they feel any behavior is acceptable.

But I still have a nasty taste in my mouth after last week.

I have stated this before: But I agree. I found it embarrassing how it went down. You would have thought that the people trolling was 11 yrs old. The only leadership came from the admins and mods. I was constantly awaiting for the others to take leadership and control their crowd. It did not happen and as a result it got ugly. The sad thing is everyone lose. I am neutral but I also know that it makes no sense for people to act the way they did.
The mods and admins had to spend their day running a day care.........actually running the day care would have been easier.
Will everyone threatening to leave DF please exit now? thanks. 60k strong all seeking information cant be wrong, oh scratch that 50.9k

we're leaving thatll show you!

in the words of proffesor farnesworth

"we wont know that until your gone"

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

I love when people quote numbers... 50.9k doesn't matter when 75% of them signed up to ask just one question and never came back.... I look at how active the threads are... I remember when this forum used to be a busy place.... take away all the ultimate droid posters and it makes a huge dent.... he has more replies on his thread than all the other dev threads combined and then some...
I see the difference in this place now when I wake up in the morning and the threads haven't updated from the same replies that were sitting there last night...
It doesn't matter anymore... there's lots of other forums where the Admin. isn't so uptight about letting people work out their own issues..

I don't understand why are you still here?

I liked black he helped me a lot I rooted my phone because of ultimate droid and droidmod, but integrity does actually mean something to me and his lack of any pushed me away that and the constant updates to fix constant quirks with his rom... as for how busy his threads have been go back and look its the same people posting over and over again everything from fixes to questions... hell this was one of the only places to get his rom the other developers roms can be found on multiple forums its that simple.
I have stated this before: But I agree. I found it embarrassing how it went down. You would have thought that the people trolling was 11 yrs old. The only leadership came from the admins and mods. I was constantly awaiting for the others to take leadership and control their crowd. It did not happen and as a result it got ugly. The sad thing is everyone lose. I am neutral but I also know that it makes no sense for people to act the way they did.
The mods and admins had to spend their day running a day care.........actually running the day care would have been easier.

I agree...I never though there was reason for anyone to take sides like what happened. The issue involved about a half dozen people, and those are the only people who had any right to be on a side.

Everyone else was either being fanatical or defending the forum.
I've lost my respect for many members because of this whole fiasco, whether they were involved or not.

So far, I've been called a troll, and been accused of wanting BlackDroid gone so my own ROM will flourish.

A lot of disgusting things have gone down in the last week, and folks have been showing their true colors. Its sad.
I've lost my respect for many members because of this whole fiasco, whether they were involved or not.

So far, I've been called a troll, and been accused of wanting BlackDroid gone so my own ROM will flourish.

A lot of disgusting things have gone down in the last week, and folks have been showing their true colors. Its sad.

Yes, I have gotten quite a bit of this as well, I just chalk it up to people being emotional. The passion and enthusiasm that people have for the roms they run is pretty amazing. The thing no one gets, the door's just opened, we haven't even seen what's inside the whole house yet.

Guys like Chris Soyars are making changes that will completely change how people do stuff in the long run.

My point, none of these roms are going away, what's happening is devs are moving their community into their own forums. Easier to support, less trolls, etc...

In two weeks, this will be past news, for now there's people that are frustrated, but if you followed this on twitter, the outrage not just from the android community, but the open source community as a whole was getting pretty loud. For that reason, I am thankful that some resolution came, just a bummer that so many people are upset.
Funny how people can find integrity issues within a community that is hacking in the first place. Obviously if you really cared about integrity, you wouldn't root or mod your phones in the first place, since it is a warranty voider.
I've lost my respect for many members because of this whole fiasco, whether they were involved or not.

So far, I've been called a troll, and been accused of wanting BlackDroid gone so my own ROM will flourish.

A lot of disgusting things have gone down in the last week, and folks have been showing their true colors. Its sad.
The Devs should have just handled the situation In-House instead of making a Soap Opera out of it by allowing the fanboys to run wild.
Funny how people can find integrity issues within a community that is hacking in the first place. Obviously if you really cared about integrity, you wouldn't root or mod your phones in the first place, since it is a warranty voider.

The consumer does have the right to void their warranty. Integrity issues would only ensue if they tried to use their warranty after clearly voiding it.
funny how some people can't see the difference in choosing to void a warranty... which is in no ways unethical or shows lack of integrity with putting your name on somebody else's work.... apples to apples my friend.
Funny how people can find integrity issues within a community that is hacking in the first place. Obviously if you really cared about integrity, you wouldn't root or mod your phones in the first place, since it is a warranty voider.

The consumer does have the right to void their warranty. Integrity issues would only ensue if they tried to use their warranty after clearly voiding it.
Yeah but when people mess up their phones, they are the first to try to get it looking all brand new (inside), and telling a lie to get it replaced. Not saying all do this, seeing how I don't have any statistics to work with. But, I am sure that if someone renders their phone inoperable while trying to mod, they are gonna try to get a cheap/free replacement by lying, before they opt to pay full price for another one. Regardless of being a Dev or not.
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