Majority of businessmen use BB and majority 12 to 16 yrs old iphone for games. You must be business-child,LOL'
I used to agree with that idea... until my wife got a BB.
People that work and carry on business all day... also have lives away from work.
Those people that have their phones funded by the company still take their phones home and don't buy separate plans just for use at home but rather use the same phone for both.
Plus,... think if the hassle of having all the contacts you needed on two different phones and keeping them sync'd with each other?
With that being said.... although its frowned upon to take lots of cool pics for fun at work, or play games, or read news, browse the web or shop, or use cool tracking and all the other thousands of apps that are not directly related to the job, those same people still long for the same fun we all enjoy when they go home.
Yes, my wife uses her BB for business, but aside from an occasional pic of a cooworker uses it strictly for business "until" she gets home... then its time for facebook, and all the other relaxing fun things these phones offer.
I think the very same things happen with company cars..... ,.do we get a car that strictly serves the needs of the business, or do you also get that cool DVD player and CD other amenities that serve our family away from work too?
I for one see it as silly to assume someone should buy their own plan just for use at home if the business already provides one for business.
The more Blackberry assumes no one wants a nice camera on their pda "you couldn't find one 2 years ago" the more they are missing todays market and getting left in the dust.
By the same token... there are many of us who do not get our phone paid for by our work, yet we all want the helps and aids that allow us to do our job efficiently as well as expand our personal fun when we get home.
We all want some means to back up our contacts to and be able to work on them with a computer and/or our phones and have them sync.
Lets face it.. todays market wants both... one or the other just won't cut it anymore.
Back in the day when this technology was new, things were different.
Once upon a time.. only business and government used gps location apps...... not anymore!