Screw it, I give up! Everything that has been suggested has failed for me. I have followed the instructions perfectly and nothing has worked. I'm just going to revert back to CM and wait for it. Congrats to those that are able to get it working on their phone, like my brother who has the SAME EXACT SETUP ON HIS DROID AND GOT IT WORKING ON THE FIRST TRY! *shakes head and walks away*
I hate to hear that man, but I'm glad to know you can at least get into recovery, cuz I though you might have been semi-toast.
If you havn't already tried a different kernel, you could.
I would at least check out the version from boostdscoob at alldroid. I'm about to check that one out, myself. Jake should have a new kernel out soon tonight that has the cpu temp fixed, too.
I'm starting to boubt the prepackaged nandorid-backup method of recieving new roms. My recovery image is sacred to me and i'd rather have the .zip install files. **That's just my opinion and is in no way meant as a statement of factual evidence.**