I pushed my nandroid and TiBu over to my PC, so I'm good on that front. I actually am just now setting up TiBu to work with Dropbox and Google Drive... don't know why I didn't do this earlier.
I ended up in a bootloop yesterday right before I left work, and it wasn't even after a flash. I had been running Liquid's V.1 for a solid few hours (with 2 or 3 successful reboots for various reasons) and was about to jump to JD's V3 so I went into CWR to run a backup, did so, then went to return to the OS to do something before the flash and boot-looped (actually, I think it was just lock-up on the Google boot screen, and yes, I know Jelly Bean takes awhile to get past that, but I'm talking better part of 20 minutes I left it there). Battery pulled and back into recovery, tried to wipe and restore to the backup I had just made, failed a restoring data, tried to wipe and restore to my last ICS build, failed at restoring data again, begin getting nervous, tried to boot anyway, true boot-loop with nyan-cat, back to recovery, wipe everything again, re-flash Liquids V1 because it was still there on my "SD", reboot successful... but that part that get's me.... everything was set up perfectly the way it had been before I went to make the backup... all my apps, data, widgets... everything.... how is it with a full wipe and flash of a base ROM, i come back like nothing ever happened?