I've never had HTC. Can I expect quality on par with Moto? Can a blanket statement be made about the expectation to root and possibly ROM HTC vs. Moto? I've been spoiled by the openness of my Droid 1 which I understand is not the norm for Moto of late.
Finally will there be/can there be any specs for the Moto T2 that make the comparison uneven and throws the balance in its favor?
Thanks for your opinions.
HTC devices are great. I love the evo I am using now but want it on Verizon's network. The evo is rootable. I'm not sure if this upcoming phone will see the same openness as the Droid. All the manuefactures as of late seem to be locking down their phones. The new g2 is supposed to be locked as well.
qTrying out Sprint for a month. Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk. 4G is pointless when you don't live in one of the few available network areas.