had to get rid of my nexus

Geez, this was a nice thread before it got all defensive. why bash a dudes opinion? Because it doesn't line up with your own? Let his opinion of the phone be that and the rest of us can go on living happily ever after with our device of preference. Gettin' all swole in the chest!!!
Geez, this was a nice thread before it got all defensive. why bash a dudes opinion? Because it doesn't line up with your own? Let his opinion of the phone be that and the rest of us can go on living happily ever after with our device of preference. Gettin' all swole in the chest!!!

Irony is fun!
I could live with soft buttons...they were not the reason I passed on the GN. And they do look cool if nothing else.

The future, yes, and how they disappear is nice. But IMO Google messed them up on the Nexus. The average user isn't going to root their phone and flash a custom rom to get the software buttons the way they like. Maybe a future version of ICS will give the user options.

It's not why I returned my Nexus, either, but I use the buttons all the time so the capacitative buttons are a non-issue for me, and I don't watch hardly any videos or play games to miss how the software buttons can disappear. Curious to see if any roms can enable the capacitative buttons to work as notification lights (notification light is another minor nitpick on the Nexus, Rezound too)
The future, yes, and how they disappear is nice. But IMO Google messed them up on the Nexus. The average user isn't going to root their phone and flash a custom rom to get the software buttons the way they like. Maybe a future version of ICS will give the user options.

It's not why I returned my Nexus, either, but I use the buttons all the time so the capacitative buttons are a non-issue for me, and I don't watch hardly any videos or play games to miss how the software buttons can disappear. Curious to see if any roms can enable the capacitative buttons to work as notification lights (notification light is another minor nitpick on the Nexus, Rezound too)
I dont think it is a bad thing to have built into the OS as a backup. But I cant see them replacing hardware buttons. I seriously doubt they are the future of Android, no matter how much of a boner Google has for them. It reminds me of Apple using a 1 button mouse because they thought it would simplify the experience or whatever. Less isnt always more.
I dont think it is a bad thing to have built into the OS as a backup. But I cant see them replacing hardware buttons. I seriously doubt they are the future of Android, no matter how much of a boner Google has for them. It reminds me of Apple using a 1 button mouse because they thought it would simplify the experience or whatever. Less isnt always more.
I'm in the camp of wanting a handset with capacitive buttons. I don't think the manufacturers will do away with them. They will simply be an another option just as the on screen buttons are. Devices releasing with ICS have been popping up and I'm glad to see them still with capacitive buttons.

2 things I REALLY REALLY do not like about ICS. The on screen buttons and the search bar. I'm hoping the search bar does NOT find it's way onto my device :)

This is the first time in 2 years where I'm dreading a new version of Android hitting my handset.
Search bar can be easily removed. Nova Launcher has the option to remove this and so will custom ROMS. :big smile:
I dont think it is a bad thing to have built into the OS as a backup. But I cant see them replacing hardware buttons. I seriously doubt they are the future of Android, no matter how much of a boner Google has for them. It reminds me of Apple using a 1 button mouse because they thought it would simplify the experience or whatever. Less isnt always more.
Ehhh, I think it's a start. Done properly, there's effectively no difference vs. the capacitative buttons and you're really just expressing a preference that they never be hidden. Other ways to skin a cat, for example they could be "invisible" but still there, and you know where to press so it's still just one-touch.
Search bar can be easily removed. Nova Launcher has the option to remove this and so will custom ROMS. :big smile:
Yes but I don't want to use a launcher or ROM :disappointed:
Where the on screen buttons really shine is when you watch a video and all of your real estate is used , I get comments about it every time :)
Yes but I don't want to use a launcher or ROM :disappointed:

Nova Launchder is basically the stock launcher with some added bonuses. I think you'd like it.
Ck if the leak ics that we are using as roms on the rezound is an indication then no worries. HTC removed it and I think given they like their clock widget that they not going to make that permanent. The other thing is devices with capacitive buttons not going to have on screen buttons cuz that's redundant. OEMs with custom uis are going to want real estate on their screens so they can fill it up with their widgets.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
I'm in the camp of wanting a handset with capacitive buttons. I don't think the manufacturers will do away with them.
Honestly, I do like that ICS has them. It is kind of cool as a backup (kinda like how Windows has keyboard shortcuts even though it is mouse driven). I don't want them replacing hardware ones though. If I had two phones that were otherwise exactly alike, I would take the one with hardware buttons over the one without.

This is the first time in 2 years where I'm dreading a new version of Android hitting my handset.
Not me. Overall I am liking ICS a lot. It just needs to mature a bit more.

I'm rooted, but I probably will not use ICS until it comes out officially. And I will probably install a stock ICS ROM...I am not a fan of any custom UIs. I bought the Rezound in SPITE of Sense, not because of it.
Ehhh, I think it's a start. Done properly, there's effectively no difference vs. the capacitative buttons and you're really just expressing a preference that they never be hidden.
Naw, its more than that. Because if they are never hidden, that means I no longer have a real 720p display...because part of it is eaten up with Nav controls. The only way to have my cake and eat it too is with hardware buttons. I dont think I will ever prefer soft buttons.

Has anyone seen a poll on this subject?
You really think I am inventing the reasons I didnt buy a nexus? LOL! What possible reason would I have to lie about my own preferences?

...and when they are hidden, you do not have direct access to them. Hardware buttons mean you never have to wait for them to come up. They are there immediately, all the time.

I think I know my own opinion better than you do. I have actually used a GN...and yeah, it did make a difference IMO.

Soft controls are one of the things I dont like about the iPhone either...but at least the iPhone has a hardware "back" button.

You tell me though...what exactly do software buttons add other than looking cool? How do they make the phone easier to use or more functional?

1. Your own preferences are exactly that. You can't say one is better then the other which leads me to my next point

2. Oh the calamity! You have to wait 0.001 of a second for a button to appear! Seriously dude re-read that. It sounds ridiculous. It probably takes you longer to scroll down your laggy app drawer on your rezound.

3. Soft buttons have no advantage or disadvantage from capacitive ones which brings me back to my initial argument -- your pushing a moot point.

"IMO" I'd rather have a clean looking screen, with buttons that work just as well as physical ones, keep my device size smaller, and not lug around a small brick in my pocket.

Now can we be done here?
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