since the official update, my droid has been incredibly SLOOOOOW and ridiculously frustrating. I've turned it off (completely off) several times, and when it comes back on I get this message:
Activity Home (in process android.process.acore) is not responding.
Force Close Wait
What the frak? I hit wait and it eventually brings me to my screens but this happens EVERY TIME I turn off my droid. And I do that because this new 2.1 doesn't seem to want to work with anything.
I changed the face of gallery using better cut and it would force close over and over and never let me back on... that's when I first turned the phone completely off, hoping that'd clear it up. Nope! So after all that, I removed the gallery from desktop...
um... live wallpaper, voice activation (which is hit and miss on catching my words) pretty gallery aside--what exactly did we get that's so great?? I'm having more trouble with this than I did with 2.0.1... at least with the older version, I was able to use HelixLauncher and play a little. Now? I'm hesitant to do anything, for fear my phone implodes on me! There's a lot of hesitation when I touch the screen, almost as if it doesn't recognize my touch... the battery's dying even quicker. I even did the turn off/remove battery/return battery/turn on and it's no better.
I'm using the Neural Network live wallpaper, it's pretty cool but certainly not worth all the other troubles I'm having that I didn't have before this...
Verry unhappy... (veerry newby with this level of technology, but still very unhappy.)