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Mines running pretty good. But I have noticed from time to time that with GDE running with 5 screens, a live wallpaper running and a lot of widgets that it will get way laggy. It's not all the time though.
mine is not so much a problem, is a question. if i got the update message, do i install it right away? or do i need to root before so i can install other roms later? thanks
With the 2.1 update mine has stopped working as well. Thinking about downloading Missed Call to see if I get it back again, but as of right now no LED's anymore.
I'm only getting the blinking LEDs if the phone screen is ON when it checks for mail or a text comes in. Like if it's plugged in to the dock or something. If the phone is dark, no notifications.
You're right, mine won't do it if the screen is on or it is on my dock, or charger (I think). I guess I just wasn't paying attention to it enough or I was getting the texts right as I was shutting the screen off and putting it into my pocket, thus cancelling out the LED.
mine is not so much a problem, is a question. if i got the update message, do i install it right away? or do i need to root before so i can install other roms later? thanks
I have that problem as well... it's not consistent, but I might touch a link and the page would scroll down, or I'd be typing and it'd scroll down as well for no reason at all... that's annoying to the least... and it happens so inconsistently, I couldn't pinpoint any position, reason or rhyme for it to do it when it did. *smh*
mine is not so much a problem, is a question. if i got the update message, do i install it right away? or do i need to root before so i can install other roms later? thanks
If you are not rooted, then you are all set to update. There is no need to root since this is an official update.
I understand that you can indeed root after the update with the right ROM. I don't have the link handy, but I did see it somewhere in this thread or the one that tells you how to do a manual update. The forum has been so crazy since the update I can't remember where i've read things!:icon_eek:
I've also read that wifi tether programs will continue to funtion after the update. You can always double check with the dev, but I think you'll be fine.
Minor but annoying issue with the new Gallery. I have photos from a variety of sources including multiple wallpaper apps. In the old Gallery it was difficult to keep track of where a particular photo resided but at least there was an overall category that included "all pictures." So if push came to shove I could locate a photo in that group.
The new gallery both eliminates the distinction between photos and videos (in terms of categories), it also drops the "all photos" category.
I suspect I can reorganize the photos and videos by moving stuff around on the SD card, but it's going to be a PITA.
should everyone have 2.1 sent OTA to them by now? I had it when I woke up this morning but clicked install later and now I no longer have an option. When I go into Settings>About Phone> System updates it says I am currently up-to-date but I am still on firmware version 2.0.1
yes it would be the live wallpaper if you are running it. since it is live, it uses more power than a normal wallpaper and therefore sucks up the battery faster.
jsh1120;3723 ...
P.S. Once you manage to get by the problem said:
Is that the literal name of the app in market? I did a search but it didn't come up in the results... I also tried variations - switch, replacement, alternate... no luck...
My led wont blink after the updte for sms and email aps i downloaded from the market...any help. I couldnt find anything related to this in the forums. Thanks guys!!
My led wont blink after the updte for sms and email aps i downloaded from the market...any help. I couldnt find anything related to this in the forums. Thanks guys!!
Be honest.. did your really read this thread?.. its mentioned 3 times that I know of because I posted one of them...... do a test and send your phone something that requires a led alert but make sure your screen is off.
You can't see it if your screen is on.... which I think is dumb as it could till be overlooked.