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Having An Issue With 2.1 - Come In Here

My OTA update went flawlessly, my phone runs just the same as it did previously, and I think the update is pretty cool!
If you are talking about the led not illuminating while the screen is on thats a normal "feature" of 2.1.

If the led doesn't notify you while the sceen is off then you have an issue.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

The colored light that is supposed to blink when a text or email comes doesnt blink anymore. So there is a problem, how do we fix this?

It appears that this is "by design". The LED does blink as long as your screen is off. It won't do it when its on. I'm sure the programmer was assuming that since the screen is on and there is a notification bar, it was uneccessary (i'm just guessing at this point though). Regardless, there is nothing you or I can do to fix it.

But clearly Google can fix it, and if this gets attention (stars, comments) at their website, maybe it'll be fixed sooner rather than later.

Here's the Google Code link for all your starring/commenting: Issue 7568 - android - Change back LED to work when screen is on - Project Hosting on Google Code
I have an issue after unplugging headphones. It does not revert to speaker. I need to play the next song (using Pandora) to recover. I did not use the headphone jack prior to the 2.1 upgrade, I was aware of problems with unplugging in the prior release, so I did not use it.

This issue existed before 2.1 and apparently was not resolved by 2.1. I believe it's more of a hardware issue then a software one. Just my opinion, I'm not saying it as fact.
Got the 2.1 update yesterday.
Now I have a Gallery bug
I now have the following folders showing up in Gallery:
Drawable (119) **these are thumbnails used in the News and Weather App
Drawable-hdpi (7) *same as above
Drawable-mdpi (7) *Same as above
RockOnNg (1) **this shows one file, that is a thumbnail for "This American Life" which I get through DoggCatcher podcast app**

These folders did not show up in the previous version, and I do NOT want them listed in Gallery. Please make them go away!
Got the 2.1 update yesterday.
Now I have a Gallery bug
I now have the following folders showing up in Gallery:
Drawable (119) **these are thumbnails used in the News and Weather App
Drawable-hdpi (7) *same as above
Drawable-mdpi (7) *Same as above
RockOnNg (1) **this shows one file, that is a thumbnail for "This American Life" which I get through DoggCatcher podcast app**

These folders did not show up in the previous version, and I do NOT want them listed in Gallery. Please make them go away!

Try doing a 30 second battery pull with the Droid on. Let it reboot and see if that doesn't fix it.
Got the 2.1 update yesterday.
Now I have a Gallery bug
I now have the following folders showing up in Gallery:
Drawable (119) **these are thumbnails used in the News and Weather App
Drawable-hdpi (7) *same as above
Drawable-mdpi (7) *Same as above
RockOnNg (1) **this shows one file, that is a thumbnail for "This American Life" which I get through DoggCatcher podcast app**

These folders did not show up in the previous version, and I do NOT want them listed in Gallery. Please make them go away!

What I did was place a 0 byte file named .nomedia in the unwanted directories (I created a dummy text file with no content and renamed it with Astro - but you could also load a blank file from a PC). This file was copied into each directory that you don't want the OS to look for media.

The simplest way would be to mount the SD card via a USB link to a PC/Mac and add the .nomedia files on the PC/Mac.

It was a little annoying, but does allow me to nicely organize my folders in the gallery...

-- PJE
Got the 2.1 update yesterday.
Now I have a Gallery bug
I now have the following folders showing up in Gallery:
Drawable (119) **these are thumbnails used in the News and Weather App
Drawable-hdpi (7) *same as above
Drawable-mdpi (7) *Same as above
RockOnNg (1) **this shows one file, that is a thumbnail for "This American Life" which I get through DoggCatcher podcast app**

These folders did not show up in the previous version, and I do NOT want them listed in Gallery. Please make them go away!
Using a file browser like ASTRO see if there is a ".NOMEDIA" file in the directory. If not, you can create one (it's just an empty file) and that should flag the gallery to not include pics from that directory.

Edit: argh! typing...too..slow.
I don't have any complaints but I thought the update would provide 5 screens instead of 3. I still have only 3. The live wallpapers are awesome. I am hoping now for some new applications, like flash, to be developed too.
not like nexus one, unfortunately

i just wish they would have the 3d drawer and the other stuff included as well. i guess you dont always get what you want, thats what custom ROMs are for i guess!
I have noticed that when texting in 2.1 it will change the spellling of words instead of using what I typed and if I am sending something that is an acronynm or company name with initials it will assume that I misspelled a word and change the spelling. Is there a way to turn this feature off or is there an app that will allow me to send a text EXACTLY as I typed it without changes?
Caution When Deleting Cached Android Data

No way I'm reading through all of those posts but I figured I'd mention in case no one else has...

I was browsing around in Astro to see if there was any cached data or extra folders I could dispose of just for cleanup purposes. Go to /sdcard/Android/data/ and you'll see com.cooliris.media which I never saw before. Digging further in there you'll see a cache folder which has a ton of stuff in it relating to your Gallery content. Normally there is absolutely nothing wrong with deleting cached data but in this case, deleting all of this removes all thumbnails in the Gallery. When you open it up it shows a message about 'Loading new pictures/media' or something to that effect but nothing pops up and it more or less tells you there is no media to display. BWAAAAAH??

Naturally after seeing this my heart sunk a little thinking I'd somehow erased my pictures so I navigated to DCIM/Camera to see everything was still there. I then restarted the phone and all the cached data repopulated itself and all the Gallery thumbnails slowly but surely reloaded. I normally go in and clear the Navigation cache and had no problems but this seems to create a bug.

Just FYI. :)
update 2.1

By any chance you think there be another update to fix problems people are having because it does say 2.1 ((update1)) 1 of how many lol
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I don't have any complaints but I thought the update would provide 5 screens instead of 3. I still have only 3. The live wallpapers are awesome. I am hoping now for some new applications, like flash, to be developed too.

I fixed this by downloading HelixLauncher... now I have the 5 screens I wanted + more!