Just wanted to say thanks to the cvpcs team for this amazing ROM. Coming from BB 0.4 and so far this is just silky smooth and problem free.
I do have one question, in BB you could set apps2sd to either be disabled, forced on always, or set to auto for app preference. Is it possible with sapphire to set these things somewhere or is it just auto always? Thanks!
You need to use the terminal program to set variable 'setInstallLocation' to a value of 2. Search this thread for 'setInstallLocation' to find the details.
Thanks, when it is set to 2 does that mean all apps installed from then on will be put on the SDcard or it will only let me move apps already installed? Then set it back to 1 to have it on auto again?
When it is set to 2 it just enables YOU to manually move an app to the sdcard using [SETTINGS]>[APPLICATIONS]>[MANAGE APPLICATIONS]. You probably wouldn't want it to automatically install to the sdcard. There are some apps that shouldn't be installed to SD, animated widget apps for example.