Silver Member
Not sure but I made a much simpler theme that lets you enjoy your wallpaper and stuff, it's very "light" and "airy". Just uploaded it onto the server it's Called "SimplyBlissfixed" lol. Tell me if you have problem with that one.
I didn't use any images so it should drastically improve performance. And the widgets on there ae standard ones that I always use.
I just noticed something though if you resize the powercontrol widget and the music widget I noticed that the graphic states don't change I'm going to see if that's the case.
Cool, I'll reinstall SweeterHome tonight and give it a try.... think I'm heading for a factory reset anyway (I took off all the programs I've recently installed and I swear my boot time(s) still suck). Just a quick question what is everyone look at for boot times (please no guesstimates though you don't need a stopwatch either, lol just get me close).