How long does it take to get the Incredible?

I'm hoping for a shipping notification on Monday but I'm sure it'll take all of 6/16 to get just a shipping email, so it'll most likely be here by next Friday, Saturday at the very latest!
NOOOOOOO!!!! somehow I missed the fracing fedex dude! I even took the day off so this wouldnt happen... NOOOOOO!!!!

So now I have to go to the fedex place to get it from them and the dude Isnt due back at the place till 6:45 and they close at 7:00... trust me, I will not be leaving that place tell I get my droid or they call the cops! :icon_eek:

3 more hours... I think I can.... I think I can....

::Head explodes::

Does anyone else wonder what it's like to be a FedEx or a UPS driver? I'm sure they have some crazy stories to tell about yahoos like us chasing them down because we missed them by just a few seconds. Well at least FedEx & UPS try to get your package to you unlike the stupid USPS.
usps is by far the worst postage company in the world. I hate them with a passion, I cant tell you how many times they have screwed me. Bastards.
USPS - "Oh it didn't fit in the mail box so you have to pick it up yourself."
Did you even try to drop it off on my porch? Lazy bums.
I never got a shipping notification, just showed up yesterday (2 days early, which is apparently kind of a trend). So... I had to wait an absolutely painful 2 and a half weeks. Fedex rules.
Congrats to you! Hopefully that 2 days early trend continues for me. But I do hope I get a shipping notification otherwise I might not be home to sign for it.
I got lucky and was home for lunch with FedEx came. So, between that and the early delivery I figure that praying to every conceivable God in the universe must have worked.
Basically, they are garbage. Anyways, just got my tracking info less than an hour ago :). Looks like my estimate is right!

Forgot to add, ordered 5/26, shipping info 6/11, delivery ?/??. I hope im on the money with a monday or even tomorrow delivery.
OH YEAH SON! dancedroiddancedroiddancedroid
I just got my shipping email as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day 16.....shipment email.....estimated delivery 6/14.....very nice! dancedroid It's in Memphis, TN right now

Ordered: May 26
Shipped: June 11
Received: ?
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OH YEAH SON! dancedroiddancedroiddancedroid
I just got my shipping email as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day 16.....shipment email.....

Are you excited? Your post doesn't really say...
A little...

I sure hope it doesn't arrive bricked.