How long does it take to get the Incredible?

I ordered My dancedroid on 5/31 it said it will come the 22 of June. I ordered a mirror screen protector and Amzer case off of Ebay and they both came already its just a big tease lol.

Do they normally come before the expected date that they give you on the website?

I'm so impatient :icon_cussing:
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Flooding in central Oklahoma is putting off my delivery until tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 19.....still no DROID.....

AND I won't get it tomorrow!
I'm helping out tomorrow at church so I won't be here to sign for it!!!!! And I can't pick it up!

Xtreamly frustrated!
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AND I won't get it tomorrow!
I'm helping out tomorrow at church so I won't be here to sign for it!!!!! And I can't pick it up!

That sucks, mine is supposed to arrive tomorrow so I took the day off. Fed-Ex usualy comes from Tulsa so I may be ok.
Send them a email

I ordered my HTC INC on June 7 and then the next day the ship date was extended yet once again. So I sent them a email asking if this was going to affect my ship date of the 28th. I sent the email on the 10th and I got a reply today that stated:

Good Morning,

Please be advised that due to the high demand for the Droid Incredible, your handset will ship after June 22, 2010. We do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Corrie Coleman
BSC Account Coordinator

Which I really wasn't that concerned with because when I ordered it the phone wasn't to ship until June 28th, but I wanted to see how they would respond so I sent them the following email:

How much past the 22nd? If it's much past, what do I need to do to cancel my order and get a refund? I'm sorry but this is poor business and customer service, and a lack of foresight on your company's part in handling the demand. I will look to getting HTC's new Sprint phone.

Within minutes I got the following reply email:

Dear Customer,
Please be advised that when you ordered the Droid Incredible the Verizon web site gave you a date that the phone would ship. However the order is completed and is due to ship on June 22.
Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience.
Melinda /Coordinator
South Area Business Support Center
SM/MED Business/AOL-Coordinator
"We never stop working for you!"

Not only did they confirm my phone would now ship on the 22nd, but they followed the email up with a phone call to make sure that was ok.

So I don't know, but it may be worth sending them a similiar email if you are waiting on yours.

Yep, I knew it. My Incredible sat the day in the sorting facility two miles down the road. Good stuff. One more day wont hurt right Verizon? Oh and thanks for shipping it overnight like was promised when I bought the phone, and not with two day shipping.
I ordered mine on June 11th. Judging by macm2125's situation, mine should be here by the 26th, WHICH IS NEXT WEEK!!!! I am going to call the store to see if they have a number for me, stupid work schedule wouldn't let me call when they were open.
Went into my local store to try and pre order one through them. They said they arent taking pre orders. They said they expect delivery by the end of the month(2 weeks ago they said this). I wonder if they are waiting for the delivery date on VZWs website? Does this make sense to anyone here? They said all I could do is get on the list and they will call when it comes in. And I cant order it online since Im going to use my moms upgrade(shes the main phone on the family share plan) since she gets the $100 one and has no interest in anything but a free phone.

Kind of frustrating because I keep hearing how much a guy I work with likes his phone.
It says its been on the fed ex truck.. but still seriously i just want it to get here, now im just getting bitter. Im even skipping class at 1 so i can sign for it.
It says its been on the fed ex truck.. but still seriously i just want it to get here, now im just getting bitter. Im even skipping class at 1 so i can sign for it.

Same here, I took the day off work. Not that I mind, I've been playing EVE Online all morning.

Jun 15, 2010 8:52 AM
On FedEx vehicle for delivery
My coworker just returned his Evo (because the screen is detaching in 80% of them including his:icon_eek:) and asked Verizon how long it would take to get an incredible. They told him 1 month.
My coworker just returned his Evo (because the screen is detaching in 80% of them including his:icon_eek:) and asked Verizon how long it would take to get an incredible. They told him 1 month.

seriously? how in the heck does that happen? a friend of mine just got his evo and knowing him hed have a hernia if his evo did that.

and still waiting on mine :( now 6 days and counting... this is going to be a long month lol
Does anyone know how long it takes Verizon to reply back to emails about orders??:icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek: