How long does it take to get the Incredible?

I ordered mine on the 18th and I still have not received shipping notification...I'm guessing it will be sometime next week...I'm in East TN btw

Check that I just got my shipment confirmation! However, when I tracked it at FedEx, it says the scheduled delivery date is on Monday the 7th. I wish it would get here tomorrow or Saturday, Memphis is only 6 hours away!

Oh well just glad to know the wait is nearly over!
Anyone know if you ordered from a store do you still get the shipment notice in an email? ordered mine from store on the 21st. haven't heard anything yet
Cool Thanks! Will be checking my email daily!! hahaha... hopefully early next week since you ordered yours a couple of days before I did 21st
I'm hoping for a shipment notification on day 15, which would be on June 10th. So by the time it got here it would be day 17 since my order on May 26th.
But it seems more people are getting theirs in 19 days.
I walked into the store on June 1st, and walked out with an Incredible, and I've been throughly enjoying it since (coming from a Samsung Omnia with Windows 6.1).

The trick? It wasn't a corporate store, and I had to drive a little out of town. The sales rep did give me some story about how he struck a deal with some dealer from California and thats how he got the phones. I don't know, don't really care, I'm just glad I didn't have to go through the agonizing wait.

Those thinking of getting the phone, don't forget about all the stores you can try to get it from. It can't hurt to call and ask if they have any (and if they ever got any to begin with). First non-corporate store I called said they never even got any to begin with.

Hope that helps some who haven't ordered yet, good luck and happy Incredible hunting! :)
Lucky you, well congrats and I hope you enjoy it!dancedroid

Day 9......still no phone...
Still waiting

Ordered May 22 leaving for vacation tomorrow without my new Incredible.....:icon_evil:
Ordered May 22 leaving for vacation tomorrow without my new Incredible.....:icon_evil:

I ordered the May 22 also. Called this morning because I hadnt seen an update on the online site except my confirmation #. This morning I was told it would ship on the 16th, this afternoon I was told the 11th (right after I requested they cancel my order).

I've now decided to wait to see what else hits in the coming months.
Ordered May 22 leaving for vacation tomorrow without my new Incredible.....:icon_evil:

I ordered the May 22 also. Called this morning because I hadnt seen an update on the online site except my confirmation #. This morning I was told it would ship on the 16th, this afternoon I was told the 11th (right after I requested they cancel my order).

I've now decided to wait to see what else hits in the coming months.

The first time I called May 26 they told me it would be shipped on the 11th, I have never called for any more info. I did convince the local Verizon store to give me free nav for a month..
Now the website says it will be shipped by 6/28.
Good thing I ordered mine when I did because it should be here late next week or early the week after.
I'm so pissed, it like it's never going to get here!!!
Day #10.....still no DROID.....
I think I might call and complain maybe it'll get here sooner.