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How To: Root your Motorola DROID Bionic

Thanks, guys.

I did it (with 'Pete's' tool/method) as per the OP in this thread.

I went to the thread that it links to...

...I then downloaded PetesMotorolaRootTools_v1.06.zip as per the link on that page...

...I then noticed that there was a link to the maker's website within the tool, so I clicked it just to see if there was a newer version of his tool available...

...There I found that there is indeed a newer version (1.07). So, I downloaded it...

Once I had that tool downloaded, I gave it a try.
I had to run through the process twice, because the first time, it didn't work.

Let me explain...
In the instructions, it said to set the phone's USB config to 'charge only'.
So, I did.
However, the root tool could not find the phone....it just stayed at that point where it says, "Looking for phone..."

At that point, I recalled from a couple of the forum threads out there (possibly inluding this one....don't recall at the moment) about rooting the bionic that others have found it necessary to set that USB config setting to 'PC Mode' instead of 'charge only' mode. So, I gave that a try.

The good part was that, as the computer started re-recognizing the phone with the different setting and started changing over to the other version of the driver for it (which it has to do whenever the USB mode of the phone is changed on the phone) the root tool was able to find the phone. However, the bad part is that, since it wasn't already done installing the driver, I think that bonked the rooting process.

The root tool process got so far and looked like it was going to work.....step 1 = done.....reboot = done....step 2 = done....reboot = done (though it never actually rebooted a second time).....but then on step 3 = FAILED, and gave me a message something like,
"Sorry. We were not able to root your phone. You should rerun the process to see if it will work the second time around. Hopefully you don't have one of the phones where this particular exploit has been 'fixed'." [at that point, I was thinking that I may need to find a different root tool]

I ran Pete's root tool all over again from the beginning, and that time, it worked. :-)
So, now I'm all ready to go try the backup tools and other things that require root, and see how that goes.

Thanks, guys.
If I were you I would do foreverroot its easy then make a backup this way yo got it I have backups of both stock root and forever root. When the OTA finally comes if it does one of the two should work if the devs dont incorporate it in a rom first
If I were you I would do foreverroot its easy then make a backup this way yo got it I have backups of both stock root and forever root. When the OTA finally comes if it does one of the two should work if the devs dont incorporate it in a rom first

OK.....so, what's the difference between the two, and how do I do the forever root?
Sorry....I know I should probably just search, but I figured I'd ask here since you brought it up :-)
OK.....so, what's the difference between the two, and how do I do the forever root?
Sorry....I know I should probably just search, but I figured I'd ask here since you brought it up :-)
Ill get back yo you when I get home to computer real easy.
Ill get back yo you when I get home to computer real easy.

Ok here ya go [ADV] Permanent Forever Root for Motorola Smartphones - YouTube Once you are rooted you need to go to market and get Bootstrap recovery for Bionic. This will allow youy to flash roms and make nanoid backups. When you get the app Youl see a guy with two options. Bootstrap recovery and reboot recovery. Press bootstrap recovery it will say sucess. Then press Reboot recovery the phone will reboot into recovery. It wilkl be a blue screen you scrool up and down with your volume buttons scroll down to backup and restore press it by just hitting power button once. Then it will say backup or restore manuver with volume up and down keys to backup press power key once thats like your enter key it will then back up your stock rooted rom When its done press reboot system. Now you have a backup of stock rooted. After you wqatch the video and do the foreverroot you do the same exact thing. Now you have 2 backups one stock rooted and the other stock rooted foreverroot. Make sure you no the difference between the two. Now when The OTA comes out. you go back to recovery pick stock forever root then you will be able to get the OTA without loosing root. Just remember you have to go back to it to get OTA. If you are on any other Rom the OTA probably will not even work. Wheeeew
Ok here ya go [ADV] Permanent Forever Root for Motorola Smartphones - YouTube Once you are rooted you need to go to market and get Bootstrap recovery for Bionic. This will allow youy to flash roms and make nanoid backups. When you get the app Youl see a guy with two options. Bootstrap recovery and reboot recovery. Press bootstrap recovery it will say sucess. Then press Reboot recovery the phone will reboot into recovery. It wilkl be a blue screen you scrool up and down with your volume buttons scroll down to backup and restore press it by just hitting power button once. Then it will say backup or restore manuver with volume up and down keys to backup press power key once thats like your enter key it will then back up your stock rooted rom When its done press reboot system. Now you have a backup of stock rooted. After you wqatch the video and do the foreverroot you do the same exact thing. Now you have 2 backups one stock rooted and the other stock rooted foreverroot. Make sure you no the difference between the two. Now when The OTA comes out. you go back to recovery pick stock forever root then you will be able to get the OTA without loosing root. Just remember you have to go back to it to get OTA. If you are on any other Rom the OTA probably will not even work. Wheeeew

Oh, my.....thanks, bud. I really appreciate the hand-holding here.
I think I still have some questions (like.....I probably just need to lay it out step by step, line by line, with explanations of how I understand it and then see if that's what you mean). However, I'm a couple glasses of wine into it, and I should probably wait till tomorrow (for asking the questions, let alone following on :lol: ).
Oh, my.....thanks, bud. I really appreciate the hand-holding here.
I think I still have some questions (like.....I probably just need to lay it out step by step, line by line, with explanations of how I understand it and then see if that's what you mean). However, I'm a couple glasses of wine into it, and I should probably wait till tomorrow (for asking the questions, let alone following on :lol: ).

No problem glad I could help if you have anymore Questions PM me so we dont tie up the thread. Enjoy that wine.
OK, i just rooted (or thought I did). It said it went through using the one click method. Downloaded and installed bootstrap and it wont open, gives me this message:
Error running exec().Command:[su,-c,.data/data/com.koushikdutta.bionic,bootstrap/files/surunner.sh]Working Directory:null Enviroment: null

Also, downloaded ROM Manager (free version for now) and it says: you must root your phone for ROM Manager to function. Superuser was not found at "/system/bin/su"or"/system/xbin/su".

what do I need to do?

I also updated to the leaked 5.7 a few weeks ago. Other than that running stock.

I clicked on the OK button within ROM Manager on the message I posted above and it let me in the app. But I still dont see Superuser access, it didnt even ask me to install it or anything. I have no way of making a backup? Not going any further till I can get some help. thanks
You need to do fast bootbrecovery once you do the 5.7.893 upda te and unroot you cant root again untl you go back to 5.5.886 or whatever stock is then it will let you root again
If you are on 893 there is a root exploit, you do not have to revery to an earlier version...

...are you on 893 ?¿?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
ok, thats weird. Just tried taking a screenshot pic with the screenshot app and when it did a small message appeared and said at first is: error fb0 is your phone rooted

then when I reopen the app it says that: ScreenShot only works on rooted phones

Its worked before in the past when I was bone stock?