anyone know when the Thunderbolt is gonna get 2.3?
We don't even know when it is going to be released yet (at least which week), let alone when it will be updateable to Android 2.3. I will tell you this though, HTC is typically the first of the manufacturers to get updates (from what I've read), if that helps.
As far as LTE pricing goes, if I am forced to pay $50 per month for 5GB of data on 4G, just to have the ThunderBolt, I'll just wait for the HTC Incredible 2 when it comes out in March (or whenever it's supposed to be released) and just keep my same unlimited 3G plan. That is just too expensive for most people (in addition to the $310-320 price tag for the TB on a 1 year contract, or $250 for a 2 year). I suspect they will not out-price Sprint by $10 if they want to stay competitive in the 4G race (they should make it no more than $40 per month, capped at 5GB, with small overage charges per extra GB of data). I've already been waiting since November since it was the Incredible HD, then the Mecha, and I was sold on the ThunderBolt, but only if I can keep my $30 unlimited 3G plan, and then have the option of upgrading to 4G for no more than an extra $10 per month when it comes to my area. My city will not have LTE for at least another 6-12 months, if not more. That would be a major bummer if they charge people extra just to have an LTE-capable phone when they don't even have access to the LTE network yet. Let's hope its based on the sim-cards, and you can have the option of putting it in and getting charged for 4G, or leaving it out and getting charged for 3G only.
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