Is it more expensive to build a 4g tower than a 3g tower?
I think that the price will almost certainly go up to make the jump from 3G to 4G. How do you think they will pay for all of those LTE towers they have been and will be building? Why would they give LTE away essentially for free (ie. if you only paid your same $30/month fee and got the benefit of LTE and 3G)? Simple, they won't. I think an extra $10 per month for an LTE sim card is a best-case scenario, not the worst case like you said.
I'm not saying they will not charge more in some way, but I think the numbers people are throwing around are way off the mark. You mentioned they would need to charge more for LTE to pay for all the towers, but why are they not charging more for 4G mobile broadband? It absolutely does not make sense that they would not charge more for mobile broadband (which has never been cheaper than smartphone data on VZW), but jump the price on phone data plans up.
Let me re-state, I'm not saying there absolutely won't be a premium, I'm just no buying the $50 a month number people are throwing around. Verizon is not that stupid, the vast majority of their customers would not pay that and would buy 3G plans/phones, leaving LTE to fall on it's face. VZW doesn't want to keep putting money into their 3G network to prop it up, it's just bad business to price 4G high enough to push people back to 3G or other carriers.
Verizon has already stated that it's cheaper for them to have people on 4G than 3G, it's in their best interest to push people to 4G.
seems high to me im getting 450min unlimited text mail web and so on with sprint for 62 bucks a month lol and u say 50 for data is fine???I think that the price will almost certainly go up to make the jump from 3G to 4G. How do you think they will pay for all of those LTE towers they have been and will be building? Why would they give LTE away essentially for free (ie. if you only paid your same $30/month fee and got the benefit of LTE and 3G)? Simple, they won't. I think an extra $10 per month for an LTE sim card is a best-case scenario, not the worst case like you said.
I'm not saying they will not charge more in some way, but I think the numbers people are throwing around are way off the mark. You mentioned they would need to charge more for LTE to pay for all the towers, but why are they not charging more for 4G mobile broadband? It absolutely does not make sense that they would not charge more for mobile broadband (which has never been cheaper than smartphone data on VZW), but jump the price on phone data plans up.
Let me re-state, I'm not saying there absolutely won't be a premium, I'm just no buying the $50 a month number people are throwing around. Verizon is not that stupid, the vast majority of their customers would not pay that and would buy 3G plans/phones, leaving LTE to fall on it's face. VZW doesn't want to keep putting money into their 3G network to prop it up, it's just bad business to price 4G high enough to push people back to 3G or other carriers.
Verizon has already stated that it's cheaper for them to have people on 4G than 3G, it's in their best interest to push people to 4G.
Its 30 a month for 3g.... so 50 a month for 4g and "unlimited" 3g seems pretty decent to me.
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everyone will have to pay for 4g if u get 4g or not thats what my guy is telling me and again it will be 10 or 15 $ more a month.. look at how many ppl have the evo and dont get 4g and also look at how many ppl dont even know what it is... they see all these commercials many people just figure they are covered and wont even know the dif then u got the ppl u just want the newest thing out THIS PHONE WILL SELL!!! its all business!I did say that the word is that the $50/month 4g with 5gb also comes with "unlimited" 3g right? That makes 4g only a $20 premium. That isn't bad at all.
$20 more per month is too steep for LTE (that's an extra $240 per year over unlimited 3G pricing). Sprint only charges a $10 premium ($120 less than it would be on Verizon). Verizon should not force 4G pricing on people just to have an LTE-capable phone, especially since most cities do not have LTE yet, and will not be covered for at least 6 months, or even 1-2 years.
For a 2 year contract:
Sprint EVO = $200 for the phone + $40/month for 4G data = $1160
Verizon TB = $250 for the phone + $50/month for 4G data = $1450
Almost a $300 difference over the course of 24 months. The $50 extra for the phone is fine (upgraded specs, 32GB microSD included), but the extra $10/month more than Sprint for LTE is where they will get you.
Forced pricing would suck. I'd have to wait another month for the HTC Incredible 2 to come out because I simply will not pay more for something I cannot use yet. Let's hope they give us the option so I can still get the TB!
I feel that if they force people to pay that extra for 4G when its not around the TB will flop in sales.
I think that the price will almost certainly go up to make the jump from 3G to 4G. How do you think they will pay for all of those LTE towers they have been and will be building? Why would they give LTE away essentially for free (ie. if you only paid your same $30/month fee and got the benefit of LTE and 3G)? Simple, they won't. I think an extra $10 per month for an LTE sim card is a best-case scenario, not the worst case like you said.
I'm not saying they will not charge more in some way, but I think the numbers people are throwing around are way off the mark. You mentioned they would need to charge more for LTE to pay for all the towers, but why are they not charging more for 4G mobile broadband? It absolutely does not make sense that they would not charge more for mobile broadband (which has never been cheaper than smartphone data on VZW), but jump the price on phone data plans up.
Let me re-state, I'm not saying there absolutely won't be a premium, I'm just no buying the $50 a month number people are throwing around. Verizon is not that stupid, the vast majority of their customers would not pay that and would buy 3G plans/phones, leaving LTE to fall on it's face. VZW doesn't want to keep putting money into their 3G network to prop it up, it's just bad business to price 4G high enough to push people back to 3G or other carriers.
Verizon has already stated that it's cheaper for them to have people on 4G than 3G, it's in their best interest to push people to 4G.
Its 30 a month for 3g.... so 50 a month for 4g and "unlimited" 3g seems pretty decent to me.
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Is the topic of this thread the release date or the cost of services?