HTC Thunderbolt Training at Verizon Starts Today (Updated) - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog)
Props to gobluejd for the link
Props to gobluejd for the link
I did say that the word is that the $50/month 4g with 5gb also comes with "unlimited" 3g right? That makes 4g only a $20 premium. That isn't bad at all.
I'm not sure this phone is worth $250 AND paying an additional monthly charge to access 4G. I may jump on the Droid X before it's "end of life" in March just to lock onto a decent 4.3 inch phone that won't require a more expensive data plan.
Do not get the X in March, that would be a bad idea. If you simply can't wait, get it now, but you never buy a phone at its "end of life" (unless you get an amazingly cheap deal on it). If you can wait a little bit longer, get the HTC Incredible 2 in March (bigger screen and improved over last device), or the Motorola Droid X2 in May (has a Tegra 2 in it). You will be mad if you get the X in March and these 2 phones come out shortly thereafter and are much better. Both are 3G only, so you won't be forced to pay more for LTE data (IF that's what VZW is going to do).
I did say that the word is that the $50/month 4g with 5gb also comes with "unlimited" 3g right? That makes 4g only a $20 premium. That isn't bad at all.
$20 more per month is too steep for LTE (that's an extra $240 per year over unlimited 3G pricing). Sprint only charges a $10 premium ($120 less than it would be on Verizon). Verizon should not force 4G pricing on people just to have an LTE-capable phone, especially since most cities do not have LTE yet, and will not be covered for at least 6 months, or even 1-2 years.
For a 2 year contract:
Sprint EVO = $200 for the phone + $40/month for 4G data = $1160
Verizon TB = $250 for the phone + $50/month for 4G data = $1450
Almost a $300 difference over the course of 24 months. The $50 extra for the phone is fine (upgraded specs, 32GB microSD included), but the extra $10/month more than Sprint for LTE is where they will get you.
Forced pricing would suck. I'd have to wait another month for the HTC Incredible 2 to come out because I simply will not pay more for something I cannot use yet. Let's hope they give us the option so I can still get the TB!
Where are you getting that there's going to be an Incredible 2 in March? Did I just miss something?
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$50/month 5gb. +$15 per additional gb.
That's the word from VA, anyway.
Where are you getting that there's going to be an Incredible 2 in March? Did I just miss something?
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Here's where I got info about those devices:
BREAKING: DROID X2, DROID 3 and Incredible 2 All in the Works, Stock Experience Coming - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog
Rumors: DROID X2 Will be Dual-Core, Incredible 2 Global? - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog
[Rumor] HTC Incredible 2 Launching In March; Motorola Droid Bionic, Droid X2 Coming In May | Android News, Reviews, Applications, Games, Phones, Devices, Tips, Mods, Videos, Podcasts - Android Police
$50/month 5gb. +$15 per additional gb.
That's the word from VA, anyway.
No disrespect to you or your contact in VA but there is no way 4G on a smartphone will cost this much. That's actually more expensive than what VZW is charging right now for 4G mobile broadband (1GB overage on MB is $10), which actually costs exactly the same as 3G mobile broadband.
Verizon Wireless - Mobile Broadband - Plans
Mobile broadband has always been more expensive than phone dataplans, no real reason to believe LTE will change that, especially when the price of 3G and 4G mobile broadband is exactly the same. IMO everyone is freaking out about the price when nothing really indicates the price will go up at all. I think the worst we'll see is a $10 charge per month for an LTE sim.
Neat. Keeping my fingers crossed that the dinc 2 will have the same 4.3" screen, and possibly dual core, and maybe keep the 30 buck a month all you can eat data plan. TB data plan is prob gonna be pretty pricey, so a man can still hope lol...
I think that the price will almost certainly go up to make the jump from 3G to 4G. How do you think they will pay for all of those LTE towers they have been and will be building? Why would they give LTE away essentially for free (ie. if you only paid your same $30/month fee and got the benefit of LTE and 3G)? Simple, they won't. I think an extra $10 per month for an LTE sim card is a best-case scenario, not the worst case like you said.