So far so good and the home switcher app to switch to default home but with 5 screens with a faster drawer...I'm lovin it.
You guys make me want to root but how fast does it make the phone and smoother and more bugless anyways??
Plus I feel like even if I read how to do it I won't understand and screw up or something @.@
You guys make me want to root but how fast does it make the phone and smoother and more bugless anyways??
Plus I feel like even if I read how to do it I won't understand and screw up or something @.@
Now that I've done it I don't see how you can brick it using sholes. If you have someone to help walk you through it makes it easier.
Same here! I don't want to but something inside wants me to do it. I'm not sure how long I will be able to fight the urge.:icon_ devil:I don't know how I got there. As of yesterday I wasn't even interested. But that darn clocking thing kept getting in my head. A faster Droid? Why? Wasn't I happy with my current speed?
I was. So why did I do it?
I got an im from one of my buddies on the Droid Forum News Team and he told me he rooted. And he said he did it for 5.00 and it took him a half an hour. Shoot, I'll spend 5 bucks for that!
So next thing you know there I am looking in the Droid Forum, finding out that it's as simple as going to the Market! It's in the Marke? Here's my money.
I could go into a long thread here and describe my trials and tribulations. Suffice to say it took me longer then 30 minutes and I did need help and got it from forum members. Matter of fact I was offered more help then I could use. And then I overclocked. Oh that's in the market too.
Now I'm looking at things I had no interest in before. Now I'm wondering about this bugless beast thing. I have no idea what it does but I'll probably find out and try it out. So why did I do it?
Because deep down inside it's just too much fun not to mess around with the Droid. It's just sitting there, practically begging you to mess with it. Even when I screwed up, and I did, I was still having fun.
Special thanks to Martin030908 for helping me out and to everybody else that offered.
Now I have to go back to investigating this thing...:icon_ banana:
Welcome to the club Hook. Now get Bugless Beast on that thing and stop screwing around:icon_ banana::icon_ devil:
You probably found it already but if not:
AllDroid - View topic - [ROM] Bugless Beast V0.7.4 (2/3/10)
I recommend the method because it will keep all your settings and info. Working great for me (at 800Mhz).
that's how it goes, its to be expected after all.
You're standing there on the corner and take a call. You flip the phone open, take the call, hang up and you're done. Pretty cool phone seeing as how you can add your own ring tones for each person and all. Oh..yeah...if it is dark you can turn the phone on and kinda stumble around in the dark.
Then, one day, you notice people dragging their fingers all over their phones. They aren't even talking on them or anything. You sorta wonder what it might be like to own a smart phone of your own but aren't even sure what makes it so smart.
Then suddenly, everyone is pushing them. Others have iphones but those don't work in your neighborhood. Finally ads come on tv and internet about the new hot item in town. You decide to "just take a look".'ve got one in your possession and it all really begins. You download a level. Then a metal detector. The apps get bigger and do more things. It's not just a phone its a police scanner. It has maps. You talk to it. It talks back. The apps market isn't enough to keep you going so you poke around on some forums. Suddenly you know way more about your phone than you thought possible.
Yet you stand on the corner using your augmented reality app while geocaching and listening to some isn't enough. Some people have been doing this rooting thing with their phone. say, "what the heck, everyone else is doing it"...and you root. And it is cool. Things are faster. You've got the latest and greatest and who needs the official 2.1 update anymore. It doesn't need to come out for *your* phone as long as it comes out for someone else's phone. And that's because others are in even deeper. They are making these things called roms.
....thanks hook. You answered my question from the other thread![]()
Welcome to the club Hook. Now get Bugless Beast on that thing and stop screwing around:icon_ banana::icon_ devil:
You probably found it already but if not:
AllDroid - View topic - [ROM] Bugless Beast V0.7.4 (2/3/10)
I recommend the method because it will keep all your settings and info. Working great for me (at 800Mhz).
Seriously, is there a way to use this app to install the BB rom? Because the only reason I was able to get my phone's rom installed was this app. I "rooted"before but had to return to stock because I ran into huge problems using DRH and terminal emulator.
Welcome to the club Hook. Now get Bugless Beast on that thing and stop screwing around:icon_ banana::icon_ devil:
You probably found it already but if not:
AllDroid - View topic - [ROM] Bugless Beast V0.7.4 (2/3/10)
I recommend the method because it will keep all your settings and info. Working great for me (at 800Mhz).
Seriously, is there a way to use this app to install the BB rom? Because the only reason I was able to get my phone's rom installed was this app. I "rooted"before but had to return to stock because I ran into huge problems using DRH and terminal emulator.
I just got done doing this. Use the app, go thru all of the settings to set up sholes (which was very buggy and laggy for me). Then, using the site you posted, mount your SD card, and remove the current "" file that is on the root menu of the SD card. Download the new one from that site, and put it where you just removed the first one from.
Power off the droid, and use the steps from before to get to recovery mode.
Choose Install > "Allow installation", then choose "/sdcard/ (deprecated)"
It will install. if it doesn't reboot for you when it is done (i think it did), reboot it. You are all set.