What is the big attraction to using DLNA or hdmi from a phone. If I want to see a high quality video I will throw in a blue ray disc.
If you just want to share a video that you took from the phone I'm sure DLNA will be good enough since the phone camera won't have a quality lenses or be using a 3 cmos sensor.
sent via ThunderBolt
Agreed...ive prolly only used hdmi on my droid X like once? Just to try it out...much ado about nothing FOR ME..the support from the dev community was a huge reason for me getting the tbolt...drod2169,kejar moved on to the tbolt..fab left the droid X to mess with sammy fones I think..the blackdroid will prolly never release a stable UD rom for the DX/D2..angdroid is awol...TBH has other things to worry about right now..obsidian is no more...and ALOT of other devs didnt even bother messing with moto such as cyanogenmod..koush (besides clockwork recovery) andIRC and many will never release another OG droid again
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