It's pretty clear that the folks at HTC decided to sell the THunderbolt and include "crapware" in the phone to make it cheaper by cutting major corners. The missing RAM, mediocre micro-USB with no HDMI (despite the spec) and a miniscule powered battery. After the Thunderbolt I plan on not buying an HTC phone again. Sense has been good but now that the others have caught on, HTC will no longer rule and will have screwed up a good thing. These big corporation executives are all the same. Can't build a great mousetrap for fear of not squeezing out every penny they can get from consumers. No pride, no per HTC the thunderbolt is not hdmi out compatible. the usb port that is in the thundrbolt is not the same as the incredible and is not capable of hdmi per the folks at htc. the new devices that have this are using a new port called hml. which has a switch in it when a usb feed is plugged in that it does its usb thing if hdmi signal is detected than they change to hdmi out. pretty interesting of course none of our other devices support the full benfits yet as usual
Often times in the past it has been VRZ that has had OEM's cripple their devices before VRZ will carry it.