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ICS Battery life

I just did an FDR today. What I didn't realize is even though I un-checked the restore option it still reinstalled all the apps. Where did I go wrong? It's just as laggy as before. Homescreen rewrite taking 10 seconds. I may do another, but need to be sure that it doesn't reinstall all the apps. What did I miss?
Foxkat I did the same thing the 1st time. When the fdr is complete and starts running you back through the motions when it gets to the part of the google accounts section it's going to ask you if you want to restore your google setting for apps and such. Say No, and let it go through and finish the fdr process. When it's done, then go and do a fresh install of all your apps.

Just do another fdr with that method and no apps will be installed.
Basically when you get to the google account part of the fdr just say no to everything.
This is my battery info.
Screenshot_2012-07-06-20-50-13.webpScreenshot_2012-07-06-20-50-40.webpScreenshot_2012-07-06-20-50-44.webpScreenshot_2012-07-06-20-50-55.webpView attachment 52443
Hi all, I've run into some power problems after upgrading to ICS. Hopefully this info might help someone else.

I upgraded from a Droid 2 to a Razr Maxx this April. I loved it, and the power/battery life was excellent. Had no problems charging from the included wall plug, my old car charger, a laptop USB port, or my old Droid 2 wall plug.

I updated my Razr Maxx to ICS yesterday over the air. I noticed that no matter where I plugged the phone in to charge, the battery level did not increase. It just slowly discharged. I did a few power resets but not a factory reset.

Last night I kept the phone turned on but plugged into the wall on my old charger, as I have done with no problems since April. It started at 55%... and was still at 55% the next morning. This has never happened before.

After reading up on things here at the site (thank you FoxKat!), I unchecked "restore with app settings & data" (or whatever it is) and did a factory reset. However I did log in to Google and restore my apps as part of the restore, so I guess I screwed up there. Before doing the factory reset, my batt was at 20%. I turned it off, plugged into the wall with the charger that came with it, and now it is at 30%... after 4+ hours! Never has this phone taken so long to charge, and it was always fine until I updated to ICS.

Tell ya what, there better be a fix being put together for this or I will not stop hounding VZW until they replace the phone.
I believe that's where most of us went wrong in the fdr the first time, don't let google restore anything during the factory reset. My phone was worse with the fdr and letting the apps get reinstalled back on. That's why I ended up doing a 2nd fdr and that solved all my problems. The battery issue is something I'm not that familiar with, that may be something FoxKat can help you with.
I have been pounding this thread for days now trying to explain that this method is working for a majority of people with issues. If you do the fdr without the app settings put back in tact and do a fresh clean install off all your apps a majority of the phones are acting right and like they're supposed to. If you use this method as I have and it helps your phone, please let people know it's working. That's what we need.
If you do the fdr without the app settings put back in tact and do a fresh clean install off all your apps a majority of the phones are acting right and like they're supposed to.

Maxx when you say "fresh clean install" how exactly do you mean? Go to Google Play and pick "my apps"? How else would it be? <confused>
Your phone doesn't restore your apps data. So it gets a clean slate to work with..

MaxxHeadroom said:
Sounds great, the input will be greatly appreciated. Will you be putting apps back with their settings in tack or using a fresh install of them?

Unfortunately I put apps back with previous setting, wasn't paying attention. If I see no improvement I will do it again with a fresh start.
When the Fdr is done without letting your previous apps be restored and with their settings in place, when your phone is done and finished with the reset, you'll then realize you have none of your apps on your phone. It's clean. Go to the market or the google playstore whichever you use and re-download your apps that you use. If you can't remember what all you had installed on your phone, if your or someone who doesn't back up their apps with a file manager app of some type then it's all good, just hop on over to the Google Playstore online and look at every app you have ever installed since you've had a smartphone.

It's like getting your phone at the verizon store the day you bought it out of the box. It's clean. Now just go put your apps back on. This was a fix when Froyo went to Gingerbread. It's a new system running now. A majority of the problems get fixed with a clean fdr...mainly because our app settings are backed up with Gingerbread settings and not ICS. It two different systems. It will geek a lot of phones out lol.

This is the fastest fix if you're having problems and not to lazy too implement the procedure. It works everytime. I hope I was clear enough for you? Any other questions feel free to ask. If I have a solution to it, I will try to explain it the best I can to help solve it.

This in return helps your battery life. Your system isn't fighting itself with app settings of two different software versions.
I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. My battery life seems pretty much back to normal after doing a FDR with my apps auto-restored, at least so far.
Roger that Maxx. I did another FDR tonite with absolutely no restore of any apps/settings/data. I'm letting the phone charge while turned off. Currently at 70%. I'll restore apps (but not old settings) once its fully charged.

I really hope this works, I have been loving this phone since the day I got it.
Trash Can you got lucky then. I got greedy the first fdr and my phone wasn't having it lol. I bit the bullet and pulled a 2nd fdr that was clean and all was back to glory.