Here is an update. Overall I think it confirms everything MaxxHeadroom and FoxKat have been advising. I don't mean to clog up the forum with posts but I hope these details might help someone else.
Here's what I did last night, after my previous posts in this thread:
- with phone off, charged to 100%. This took 6+ hours.
- turned on phone
- did another FDR, this time with absolutely no restore of any apps or data (not even Contacts)
- got on local WiFi and manually reinstalled my contacts and apps, including JuiceDefender Plus and a simple battery level readout that shows battery level within 1%
- set JuiceDefender+ to minimize data reachouts (but not MotoCast, see below for more info)
- used LTEon/off app to keep the phone in CDMA mode
- uninstalled or disabled all the bloatware I recognized (but not MotoCast, wasn't sure I could safely mess with it)
- turned off WiFi
- left phone on but charging from wall charger. Power was down to 90% at this point.
- went to sleep at 2:30AM EST
This morning I was awakened at 9:30EST with a phonecall. After concluding the call, I unplugged the phone from the charger and found the battery was at
71% despite having been plugged in for 7 hours! I was highly pizzed off...
I checked the factory battery info in Settings and discovered the phone had been on batt for about 57 minutes. What the heck?! I had just then unplugged it, certainly not 1 hour previous. Plus, WiFi was on. So I highly suspect an app is waking up, turning on WiFi, turning off the charge function, and hammering the battery. Reading further here I think it might be MotoCast.
But here's the good news. While driving to a local coffee shop I plugged the phone into my car charger. Within a few minutes the battery was up to 74%. As a test I plugged it into a Li-Ion battery backup pack and it immediately began to charge properly. And right now plugged into the wall, the batt is up to 100%. So the good news is that after the clean FDR, the charging functions are working OK, and I don't have to keep the phone off 6+ hours a night to recharge. This is a big deal because I am on call 24/7 for my job and cannot tolerate 6+ hours of phone downtime.
MotoCast doesn't show up in the factory app list, and it doesn't show up in JuiceDefender+'s app list. Gotta do more research to figure out how to kill MotoCast.
The upside to all this hassle is that I'm really learning the phone...! :blink:
Edited to add:
Where is motocast located and how to do turn it off?
Same question here. MotoCast is not in my "running apps" list. There is no MotoCast entry in my status bar at the top of the screen. However I have 2 MotoCast entries in my "all apps" list:
- one has a Droid robot icon. It has a "force stop" button but no disable or uninstall button.
- the other has a red & white icon. It too has a "force stop" button but no disable/uninstall button.
I have no (known) need at all for MotoCast. How do I kill this sucker?