I had a similar problem in mid Sept. The phone was always running warm and using Battery Monitor Widget app it was consuming 125-150mah when asleep. Before that time, it would consume 20-40mah while asleep, so as you can tell, that shortened my battery life from about 24 hrs of light use to about 6 to 8. The temps were also running higher. I searched everywhere and found nothing. I cleared the cache and even did a hard reset and to no avail. Finally i tried to get on 4g (since i usually leave it in 3g mode) and it would never connect, just remained in 3g; it wouldn't even show a white 4g. It also took a few minutes after fully booted to find 3g signal. I played around with the Sim card and finally called verizon. Tech seemed to think the 4g attenna was broken and when the phone starts it will do a network check briefly flashing to 4g even if set to 3g and it was stuck in some sort of loop constantly trying to get 4g service. In the end I got a warrantied replacement bionic which works great now.
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this already, but Smart Actions helped me out with this by suggesting a rule to disable background syncs when my phone is not in use ("Battery Extender" rule). My battery life has definitely improved using this.