Great Discount! Now if they would give everyone the 22% discount that would be great.Our company gives us 22% off our phone bill on Verizon.
If I would go to T-Mobile right now my bill would double for same usage I do on Verizon(2 unlimited everything lines + 1 unlimited talk and text for $140 after taxes). I'd rather buy phones then pay more every month.
Thanks @mountainbikermark, not only sums up my sentiments exactly but that's probably my vote for the best post of the thread!Another paper cut. I gave them 4 paper cuts this year add as well moving my 4 lines away from Verizon post pay.
My thing with unlimited is not so much that I was every a heavy user. I go to a buffet and I eat what I want, never being a glutton, but at the same time I see gluttons and I'm not bothered because we both had the right to consume as much or little as we wanted according to the rules. Verizon has changed the rules of data consumption now. I truly do not believe any of those changes were because of gluttonous users but, or more revenue made from overages, but simply because they could. With tens of millions of customers I doubt a few power users made much of an impact on their bottom line. They can get users to pay the subsidized rate plan while not subsidizing their phone, more profit. They can get users to pay a new customer activation fee though they're not new customers, more profit. They can get free advertising with stories such as this, more profit. In convinced Verizon is making much more profit with the millions of customers that are in tiered data plans that don't use their allotment than they could ever lose from the power users if they left things as is but because they can they do. As far add throttling, that'll only be temporary until they come up with something different because the federal government has stepped in on the throttling situation.
Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk
When I bought my Note2 at retail I was still under contract, but phone eligible due to old grandfathered NE2 primary line rules. I had unlimited but they said they'd cancel my contract and take me month to month if I'd accept the 6gb data plan (at same price I was paying). Since my data reception here is so horrid I gladly accepted the get out of contractual jail free card. I couldn't use 6gb a month if I wanted to, averaging under 30Kbps just ain't gonna use that much data if I could even get a connection. Needless to say I used that get out of jail free card a few months later and took the whole family with me.Thanks @mountainbikermark, not only sums up my sentiments exactly but that's probably my vote for the best post of the thread!@cybertec69 makes an equally cogent point -- for me hands down VZW's network is the best option I have, at least at home (once I drive into town AT&T is equally good). Still, at home we have wifi plus a network extender (which I could use AT&T's if need be) so really in the end I'm not totally locked in to VZW's network.
I'm glad the range of experiences is opening up in this discussion. My original point wasn't to say (though maybe it sounded like) "Boohooo, VZW bad company! Me shop elsewhere!" It was simply that even though I'm grandfathered and have used the loophole to get a new phone or two at the subsidized price, paying full price on a phone to maintain unlimited data (which I've never come close to actually using...LOL) isn't worth it for me and my budget. Then again, I'm also not into buying preowned phones and I'm not the guy who needs a new phone every 6-12 months. Perhaps I'll see if VZW will also offer me the 6GB @$30 deal -- that might be a reasonable compromise.
There shouldn't be any outrage about this. Why?? Because everyone knew the second that Verizon switched to tiered data plans that Unlimited Data was eventually going away. And technically it is not gone yet, but it's closer to being gone than it has been. So, really, this can't possibly be a shock. They want everyone off Unlimited Data, and they will continue to chip away at it until there is nothing left of it.
I agree!! Unlimited data was intended for 3g in a time when users didn't use the network for all the things they do now.Been saying this for years, that this day was coming. Usually I get told I am full of crap, but the writing was on the wall. Took longer than I thought it would, but it is still coming.
Unlimited was a good deal for carriers many years ago when your average user might use 2gb a month, on the high end.
Now that everyone is streaming HD video and all sorts of multimedia stuff, the need for bandwidth is staggering for a carrier, and giving it all away for a measly $20 a month just isn't a viable business model.
It is like having no speed limit on a long highway. Makes sense when it is in the middle of Montana and 8 people are on it. Put that in NYC at rush hour... not so much...
And for the people that were paying full price on the phones to keep it, if you added up the $600 per phone they are paying because they go that route, are they really saving over time on the savings of the data plan?
I agree!! Unlimited data was intended for 3g in a time when users didn't use the network for all the things they do now.
sent from my hot Note Pro!
I pay $29.99 a month for my Unlimited data, someone here sounds jealous. [emoji1]Exactly. VZW 3G is no faster than 56k dial up speed. It's awful, and as a result, you really couldn't use that much data if your life depended on it. People texted, checked email, maybe some facebook or browsing, and not much else.
Now people are streaming Netflix/Hulu/Youtube at 1080p, listening to Pandora 8 hours a day, tons of social media and video, the list goes on.
VZW can't supply that kind of bandwidth to that many people for $20 a month. They have to make money, or why bother?