methinks this thread is gonna get really ugly with confusion. I have been running Pete's or P3's deodexed frg01b since it came out. The files should be the same for the most part, as both P3 and Pete got the file from the same source. As far as I can tell it has all of the features listed in the doc on the op. Although VZW has not tested the remote lock on me yet ;^). Maybe if I torrent some, they will........And I think the pdf word document thing works now, as the last time I opened a doc the phone asked me whether to use the native app or my Doc's to Go.
As to the aps to/on sd, the feature or ability is native to the rom/release, but it is up to the individual apps/dev as to whether they will work from the sd card. I have a few there and they work just fine. They went straight to the sd card when I redownloaded market after installing FRG01b. I have not seen a switch to control whether they go there automatically (as we have in one or more of the custom roms), but you can easily move them back and forth in settings/applications/running or all.
You can find the odexed and deodexed versions in Pete's (Bugless) rom area, or link back to MyDroidWorld to P3's from a post here in the news section, a few pages back.