We already have a "clean" version of frg01b from Pete, as has been mentioned before.
For those wanting an "un-rommed" VZW update, this should be about it. Bear in mind this is still an odexed version meaning no themeing. P3 on MydroidWorld has this same file in deodexed version. Either will give you the "pure" VZW experience, without the need to root and SU yourself. You could go either of these routes and have stock frg01b now, if you believe the dev. that nothing else has been touched, or wait until the official one comes out and is posted. It seems to me that the only difference is one is available now, the other perhaps in a week or so. Same end result.
As to the FM radio, yes we have a chipset. I had not heard that Moto had tried and given up on it. I find this a little hard to believe, as Moto has been making radios (communication devices) since before many of us were born. What i do know is that the folks back on the original Alldroid board were working very hard on it, trying to port the files from Milestone working FM radio, and basically tearing into the guts to get a fix. Their bottom line was they could get some components of it working, but were foiled by what were essentially missing driver files. As the Moto Milestone has a working FM radio, I again find it impossible to suggest that Moto cannot get the Droid to work. Methinks VZW does not want it to work, for whatever reason. In any case, the folks working on it at the old Alldroid in conjunction with some of the folks at XDA don't seem to have it as a priority.