[KERNEL] Kernel (deprimed_test) - Break It If You Can

I believe once you run the primed script it creates the overclock20 file that reports the frequencies to setcpu and cyanogen settings. The 20overclock is set for 200-900 range. However, I think Prime mentioned you aren't actually able to use the 200 slot because the current version of the deprimed kernel has the bottom end set at 250 and that cant be changed. I edited my overclock20 file to change the bottom slot to 250 and everything reports as it should now.

Ah that would make sense, I will edit that and report back with how it works.

Edit: Yep that fixed her. Thanks.

Glad to help.

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I'm still around, just been busy today.


That kernel is for a different device, I have to finish working on deprimed before moving on to a new kernel ;)
I'm getting excellent results using your kernel prime. Thanks for all your hard work.
Well first full day of using #12 is complete. Off the charger for 13 hrs with mild to moderate use and still have 50% battery. No issues to report. This is very smooth. The biggest thing I noticed today is how fast the wifi engages. 3G return is also fast. Thanks Prime!

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CM7 RC2 and deprime 12. Very nice, so far.

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This is so cool, being able to set your own voltages and clock speeds. I don't know what else is in here, but the kernel is running very nicely on my Droid. Thank you primed!

For those editing the overclock script, I found Pete's post with the table of averages for other overclock kernels to be very useful.

Peter Alfonso
Hey prime, why does sysro and sysrw not work with scripter or gscript?
Hey prime, why does sysro and sysrw not work with scripter or gscript?

Hadn't tried them in either, they should work as there valid commands. What is the script?
the ones that come in your kernel are...

mount -o remount,ro /system
mount -o remount,rw /system

and they both echo saying something like system has been mounted read-only or read-write but nether seem to work outside terminal

arnt they suposta say yaffs something dev/block/something? i cant remember how to do it
the ones that come in your kernel are...

mount -o remount,ro /system
mount -o remount,rw /system

and they both echo saying something like system has been mounted read-only or read-write but nether seem to work outside terminal

arnt they suposta say yaffs something dev/block/something? i cant remember how to do it

On CM -o remount is sufficient.
the ones that come in your kernel are...

mount -o remount,ro /system
mount -o remount,rw /system

and they both echo saying something like system has been mounted read-only or read-write but nether seem to work outside terminal

arnt they suposta say yaffs something dev/block/something? i cant remember how to do it

On CM -o remount is sufficient.

yeah my bad... the script i wrote was not right :blink: just relized that
Prime, I am using winner rc2 14 with primed (ver report 10) with overclock script 200-900 with interactive compcache 26%. Its smooth so far. Checking battery life.

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Prime, the only issue I am having us it gets hot 105F
Prime, I am using winner rc2 14 with primed (ver report 10) with overclock script 200-900 with interactive compcache 26%. Its smooth so far. Checking battery life.

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Prime, the only issue I am having us it gets hot 105F

105f isnt hot, 135+ is getting too hot

Warm 105F. Anyway I changed interactive to on demand now temperature is dropping. A little slower responses.
Prime, I am using winner rc2 14 with primed (ver report 10) with overclock script 200-900 with interactive compcache 26%. Its smooth so far. Checking battery life.

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Prime, the only issue I am having us it gets hot 105F

105f isnt hot, 135+ is getting too hot

This is correct.

Think of it like this, your hand is °98.6 Fahrenheit and °105 is only °6.4 warmer than our own body temperature. You are making a substantial contribution to the temperature if holding the device, although I consider °125F to be hot as this is where most devices will begin to act up.