I've installed this with clockwork and had no issues.
You can wipe /system in clockwork without adb, but I think the install will wipe the partition for you.
Is your recovery
Thanks for the quick response!
I've installed this with clockwork and had no issues.
You can wipe /system in clockwork without adb, but I think the install will wipe the partition for you.
I've installed this with clockwork and had no issues.
You can wipe /system in clockwork without adb, but I think the install will wipe the partition for you.
Is your recovery
Thanks for the quick response!
I believe that this is the right one (taken from Bekit's twitter):
I've installed this with clockwork and had no issues.
You can wipe /system in clockwork without adb, but I think the install will wipe the partition for you.
BTW, and I am getting this with no theme to..when I try to switchapk to the eliotstocker music mod I get a error.
Replacing Music with Eliot Stocker Music Overhaul ...
Downloading required files:
EliotStockerMusic.apk...wget: bad address ''
I have the anyhow, and I can't help to say how sexy this is even though it's not working for
how the heck did you manage that? Hows this possible?Somehow this killed superuser for su and ROM Manager and SetCPU, for example, won't run.
Is there a I can apply from clockwork recovery, or ?
Appreciate your help!
Hey, I got a weird problem with the themeing i was doing... I probably won't sleep tonight, so hit me up whenever. It has been a rough night trying to crack this for me and koveleski. Hopefully you can help me figure out what is making this so difficult...
Hey, I got a weird problem with the themeing i was doing... I probably won't sleep tonight, so hit me up whenever. It has been a rough night trying to crack this for me and koveleski. Hopefully you can help me figure out what is making this so difficult...
what kind of theming issue do you have? because ive run into a problem myself that doesnt seem to happen on other FRFxx roms. modifying framework-res causes either a hang on M or a bootloop on bootanimation.
Hey, I got a weird problem with the themeing i was doing... I probably won't sleep tonight, so hit me up whenever. It has been a rough night trying to crack this for me and koveleski. Hopefully you can help me figure out what is making this so difficult...
what kind of theming issue do you have? because ive run into a problem myself that doesnt seem to happen on other FRFxx roms. modifying framework-res causes either a hang on M or a bootloop on bootanimation.
It's pretty much that. I finally got a version to boot, and right as soon as I reboot it hangs on the boot animation. And I never messed with anything in framework beside the drawable-hdpi and then a few apps so I don't know what could be causing it...
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It's pretty much that. I finally got a version to boot, and right as soon as I reboot it hangs on the boot animation. And I never messed with anything in framework beside the drawable-hdpi and then a few apps so I don't know what could be causing it...
No, I was just porting over a theme. I wasn't trying to make my own theme or anything, yet. I never really dove into android themeing so it is all still relatively new to me.
But I need some sleep (its 5 am here...) and I need to quit trying to stay away. Ill talk about it more later.
Yes I was cvpcs.even koveleski said everything looked fine. I was just replacing files in the drawable-hdpi folder, and it even booted fine once. I just don't know much about themeing so this might be a better conversation for you and pandroid.
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